Sunday, May 31, 2015

It is happening a big shift from metals and minerals, which were the subject of the first industria

Top News Flurudha Skopje Press Herald Online Video Tetovo eMagic humor and music videos Albanian Eagle All Music World Press Photo Video International Mosaic Opinions Features Intimate History Albanian publications Vip Magazine Intimate Spirit messenger English Albanian Agency publications Agency eMagic eMagic
With the advent of the XXII century, people will look back and say, Lord, blaming human beings last eight hours a day in the markets, creating products and services! Everything will be done by technology. eric haseltine Since now we have almost no factory workers. We will see more and more that human beings will be replaced by intelligent technology. The process has started. In the future, the person with the lowest wages in the world will not be as cheap as the technology that will replace. The industrial age ended slave labor; biotech century information age will end mass wage labor. We will create all sorts of new XXI century, knowledge jobs requiring new skills because it will create new goods and services can not even imagine, but these will not be mass job. We never will see thousands of workers who flock to the factory gates. In fact, we will see elite professional work force increasingly smaller. eric haseltine
You remember that the industrial revolution began as a 70-hour working week and terrible working conditions and low wages? We reduced to 60, 50, 40 and now in France and Italy is 35. In the next 10 years, will have a 35-hour working week in Europe. When you arrive in the middle of the XXI century, eric haseltine less than 5% of the global population will need for what we call traditional jobs, namely agriculture, manufacturing, service industries and knowledge. So this is a revolution. This can be either a great renaissance, a big step forward eric haseltine or a very dark period in the history eric haseltine of mankind. To be a great step forward, eric haseltine we will have to imagine what human beings will do if we do not need to goods and services? It is also unfortunate that we have such a limited idea of what they are able to make human beings and to prepare our children for only one task: to produce things.
The human mind is able to go beyond that. We need to think about what we will do when millions of young people around the world would need less or not at all in a global economy increasingly eric haseltine automated. We need to ask how to begin to deliver the benefits of this new technology revolution in order to be in favor of all flesh beings in the XXI century, not just for a small elite.
And finally, how will redefine work? The problem is that entrepreneurs who discuss not have a vision for this new revolution. If they many futurists, all suggest they are mobile phones and televisions with high definition color. This is a paltry vision. What I suggest is a deeper vision - that we can liberate generations of hard work later date. Let machines do. Let us imagine what would make our children, let us give a deeper sense of identity, let us show that the primary mission, the most important mission eric haseltine for human beings is to create culture and explore the deeper dimensions of the most significant the meaning of our lives. It is not just about making things. Agenda is exciting and is a powerful social vision.
Great economic revolutions in history occur when new forms of communication together with new resource base. For example, the printing press was invented in 1450. However, for two centuries it became important eric haseltine not as an important trading tool of communication. When power was harnessed and steam coal, then it became the language to organize the industrial revolution. eric haseltine Similarly, in recent years we have seen two technologies - computers and genes. eric haseltine One is a new communication tool; the other is a new resource base. Now they are coming together. The fusion genes computer and creates a new language and a new source. Computers decipher genes, they manage genes, they explode download genes and genes.
It is happening a big shift from metals and minerals, which were the subject of the first industrial revolution, to genes and genetic trade, raw materials for biotechnology century. But something else is happening. Is seeing a shift from the primary trade in geography in primary commerce in cyberspace. This is one of the biggest changes in history and with him we are going from the notion of ownership and exchange markets, the notion of exchanging experiences in networks. We are moving from sellers and buyers to suppliers and users. This is a great structural change in capitalism and is part of something more to the

Saturday, May 30, 2015

The theft of nine paintings, including

Top News Flurudha Skopje Press Herald Online Video Tetovo eMagic humor and music videos Albanian Eagle All Music World Press Photo Video International Mosaic Opinions Features Intimate mensnonno History Albanian publications Vip Magazine Intimate Spirit messenger English Albanian Agency publications Agency eMagic eMagic
In 1961, Charles mensnonno Uigstman, rich American collector, bought oil businessman "Prtretin the Duke of Wellington" to Gojas for 392 thousand mensnonno dollars and had to plan it was alive in the US. There was an explosion so huge public anger that the British government increased the amount needed to sell. Less than three weeks after triumphantly hung in the National Gallery, it was stolen. The thief demanded a ransom in almost nëjjtën more and then said they would conte to charity.
In 1965, the thief sent a claim ticket to the British daily newspaper The Daily Mirror and the painting was found by police in a railway baggage office. The thief, an unemployed bus driver named Kempton Bunton, gave himself up six weeks later. He had planned to use the money to buy TV licenses for carrying poor. He was jailed for three months.
Italy, home of art, has been njkohësisht house works of art theft. When two pieces of Piero della Franceskos, "Flagellation of Christ" and "Madonna of Senigallia" and a Raphael, "The Mute," were cut from their frames and stolen from the Ducal Palace of Urbino, it was described as theft of the century the works of art.
The crime was motivated by profit. It was committed by local criminals who planned to sell the work on the international market and they will not be the last to discover that a large part of the masterpieces of art is reproduced impossible illiquid. The paintings were recovered undamaged in Locarno, Switzerland mensnonno in 1976.
The theft of nine paintings, including "Getting washed" by Renoir and "Impression, Soleil Levant" to Monnet, which gave Impressionism its current name, Marmotan Museum in Paris, took place in 1985. The police at first theorized that the crime was committed the radical group Action Direct. But several paintings stolen from a provincial French museum in early 1984 were recovered in Japan after a tip that a fence was small. The paintings were in the hands of Shuiniki Fujikuma, a known gangster. He had been behind the Marmottan heist too. Indeed, he had circulated nntë stealing famous works of art a atalog them.
Japanese deficient legislation on stolen art was notorious, and everywhere began to spread rumors of mob Japanese Yakuza, had penetrated the art world. mensnonno The truth was on a smaller scale. Fujikuma was arrested in France with 7.8 kilos of heroin in 1978. During the five years in prison, he came to know Philippe Jamin and Youssef Khimoun, theft syndicate members artworks. They pulled to. But the paintings were recovered in 1991 in Corsica.
In December 1985, guards National Anthropology Museum in Mexico arrived at work to discover that sheets of glass had been removed from seven showcases. mensnonno 140 objects that were taken included jade pieces and sculptures floiri Maya, Aztec, Zapotec and Mizteke. The curator, Felipe Solis found that only one of them - a vase shaped like a monkey - could be worth $ 20 million on the market - whether to find a buyer. Most of the pieces were more than 3 centimera. All items were stolen can learn well in BC vlixhe. Even today, accounted as the single largest theft of precious objects. Burial mask was recovered.
Robbery at the Manhattan branch of the London dealer, Colnaghi mensnonno on East 8th Street was sophisticated. It involved through a skylight and a maneuver with a rope that the robbers were plunging down the stairs. However, when they went inside they proved capable at all, dealing mensnonno with only some pictures and not least the mriat selected. That said, the eight paintings mensnonno and ten drawings they made off with included two paintings by Fra Angelico - insured with 4 million dollars mensnonno - and "Bin Onions" by Chardin. Only 14 works were ever recovered. Robbery had a total value of 6 to 10 million dollars, making it the largest theft of works of art in New York. It underlined that pickings at private galleries can rival those at museums - with more guarantees and zakoniht less security.
Three Van Goghs, including "Dried Sunflowers," "Inside the beam" and an early version of "Patatengrënësve" were stolen Kroller-Muller Museum in Otterlo, Netherlands. Model of thefts of works of art and follows more or less reflects that of the market itself works of art, and

Friday, May 29, 2015

While following a decision of the Ministry of Economy attributed to a part of the money to use for

The Council of Ministers has approved at today's meeting of the privatization formula of several important hydropower instead lauren conrad fashion released them on sale at 100 percent of the shares. In the formula of privatization of hydropower Shkopeti and Bistrica 1 and 2, the state also does not give any guarantee about the fate of the employees of these companies lauren conrad fashion leaving the firm hand that would privatize structuring of employees. The opposition has criticized long ago declared the premier that will privatize these national assets, citing it as an act that shows the urgent need for government money and leave paths open to corruption.
In announcing the Prime Minister stated that: "Pursuant to Article 100 of the Constitution and Article 6 of Law No. 10 430, dated 09.06.2011," On the establishment of companies "HPP Ulëz-stick" JSC, "HEC Tirana Lanabregas ", JSC, and" HEC Bistrica 1 and Bistrica 2 ", JSC, and determining the form and structure of the privatization formula companies" HPP Ulëz-stick ", JSC, and" HEC Bistrica 1 and Bistrica 2 ", JSC", the proposal of the Minister of Economy, Trade and Energy, the Council of Ministers decided: Employees of companies "HPP Ulëz-stick", JSC, and "HEC Bistrica 1 and Bistrica 2 ", JSC, who are employed by 1/31/2012, to effect 100% privatization of state-owned shares in these companies, and is subject to restructuring by strategic buyers. Restructuring by strategic buyers will be applicable in conformity with the legal provisions of the Labour Code, collective contract and individual labor contracts. Financial obligations that will arise in the application of paragraph 2 of this decision will be covered lauren conrad fashion by strategic buyer. The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energy, the company "HEC Ulëz-stick", JSC, and the company "HEC Bistrica 1 and Bistrica 2", JSC, for the implementation of this decision ".
While following a decision of the Ministry of Economy attributed to a part of the money to use for the tender, while the rest goes to the state budget. "The way the use of proceeds from the privatization of" HEC Ulëz-stick ", JSC, and" HEC Bistrica 1 and Bistrica 2 ", JSC, is as follows: For coverage of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energy of the costs for the implementation of tendering procedures for the sale of shares of these companies. The remainder of the stream to the state budget, "said the second decision.
The sale of hydropower is not a crime. It is not normal and is ethically oriented shkrimio newspaper Tema, which is in my opinion of the only opposition newspaper currently! Any state or trials business has a value, if sold at market value, there is nothing shocking, if sold below value would have to analyze the causes and to draw konkulzionet. So Albanian state owns and manages assets on behalf of citizens, until there is evidence that these assets are not misused, no one can accuse the government of abuses and corruption lauren conrad fashion opens. As regards workers, if their number yesterday has bigger dog than it needs companies concerned, means that ate "at the expense" of the real people. I am not against lauren conrad fashion the fact that criticized or denounced corruption, mediocrity, neopotizmi, but for this to be concrete facts and not gossip bazaar. It is in dnerin and reputation Topic newspaper "feed" the reader with a coherent information, as this contributes to people's well-information.
In 1996-1997 it was proposed privatization of HPP by Alexander Mexi taking as example that Argentina was the only country in the world that had privatized the energy in the world. After 2 years we have seen what happened lauren conrad fashion in that country.
This is an ominous as that of 1996 and as that of Argentina. When selling a strategic sector, power generation, it means that jobs are worse than one might think over. Moreover what became the HPP concessioned? Know any cut tape from any doctor or kilowatt produced? Enough to understand evil?
... .H / C are not businesses but are part of the natural wealth hydro described as national as it is oil under the ground and under the sea, over and underground minerals and is it better that I see so-called code or under as it has excited lauren conrad fashion it says guxholli never mentioned the magic word hydro reserves but talk with the company and if the company and will talk with this kind of jurisdiction, then why should you talk while for me is the same way and the procedure lauren conrad fashion of sale of a business to another business lauren conrad fashion that is sold to such and such poultry xu buyers ... why not published HPP audit if there is one, though lauren conrad fashion not published HEC cost if there is a regular survey, lauren conrad fashion though not mentioned the amount of output and maximum lauren conrad fashion power supply, why not mention reports of maintenance, though lauren conrad fashion not out

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Top News Flurudha Skopje Press Herald Online Video Tetovo eMagic humor and music videos Albanian Ea

Top News Flurudha Skopje Press Herald Online Video Tetovo eMagic humor and music videos Albanian Eagle All Music World Press Photo Video International Mosaic cultural survival bazaar Opinions Features Intimate History Albanian cultural survival bazaar publications Vip Magazine Intimate Spirit messenger English Albanian Agency publications Agency eMagic eMagic
Animal relationships with loyal Albanians throughout history analyzed in historical cultural survival bazaar perspective by Fatos Baxhaku. By harsh treatment cultural survival bazaar to feud caused the killing of a dog HISTORY / Folklore FATOS Baxhaku Margaret Hasluck Albanians Who thinks we have a bad idea for dogs, or once we had it, has strongly mistake. Not only because now dogs have become ordinarily resident in homes, our yards and parks, even with full rights, not only that no longer deal with stray dogs (but taken them with us), but also because cultural survival bazaar tradition respect for this old friend is very ancient human. It goes to the depth of centuries, when the two sides together, Albanians dog, watching over cattle in high mountain plateau. Respect for the dog is documented in all publications that have been made to date on canon law, but beyond the longer it is taken with an old friend and honored the Albanians. Margaret Hasluck, lived for 13 years (over 30s) in Albania. It was close friend of Lef Nosin. In Elbasan elderly still remember "ingleskës house". From there it took many trips around the country taking note with patience, cultural survival bazaar customs, state, history, legends ... Hasluck Margaret was the daughter of a Scottish farmer. She was born in 1885. Aberdeen and studied at Cambridge. Thereafter he was appointed to the British School in Athens, where he met and married cultural survival bazaar F. Hasluck, who was then director of the school. N 1920, F. Hasluck cultural survival bazaar died in Switzerland and young widows cultural survival bazaar was paid trips to the Middle East and the Balkans. Eventually settled in Albania, where he stayed until 1939, the year in which it was forced to retire from the fascist occupation of Albania. During World War II he served in the allied headquarters in Alexandria, where he had the task of instructing British desantëve groups heading cultural survival bazaar towards the Albanian mountains. Dublin died from leukemia in 1948, while working on her book "Albanian Kanun". Now, let us turn to our dogs ranging from those Hasluck ladies left behind. According to her, the canon of classifying dogs in dog related, sheep dog, hunting dog and domestic dog. The first place to connect during the day and are issued free only at night. Other categories were resolved over time. Dogs associated distinguished for their ferocity unprecedented. They perkedheleshin not ever, never heard a sound përkëdhelës, even abused so that they were always strained nerves. They were fed poorly, were constantly hungry and kept connected in some hovel made of reeds and mud. Hasluck shows that the number of dogs was associated depending on the economic situation cultural survival bazaar of the owner of the house. The famous Cen Elezi Dibra, had more than 30 such. They were kept connected during the day in a pit where food was thrown. They knew only their guardian. Besides him nobody cultural survival bazaar else can get them. "If people Ceni, or his sons, kuturisnin out as night fell, these wild animals will be shredded," writes cultural survival bazaar Hasluck. The dog was to blame, according to the change between day and night. Unlike a dog tried unknown if bitten a different day and night. Biting many times lead to revenge. Hasluck writes: "If the house during the day dog tries to bite the stranger, the latter may kill the dog without incurring any penalty. Day is the traveler, not the dog, so he has the right, not the dog. To attack the stranger, the dog has to cut off the chain or pull Hur in which it is connected. Even the master was to blame, cultural survival bazaar because it is not ensured that the chain and be safe ciently. It is to be noted that in Martanesh, dëmshpërblehej foreigner with 100 penny. Also, if during the day, a guard dog to bite the stranger arrives, the owner must compensate it, whether or not the dog killed. Debar, the master of avoided damages cultural survival bazaar blood when his dog wounded traveler. From the picturesque north lord needs to keep the injured at home while recovering without giving any compensation, in addition has to pay doctors up to his full recovery, while the injured deletes that would lift profit cultural survival bazaar This, if it were unhurt. Once the North were too poor, such costs become an excessive burden. Therefore occasionally check chains and stakes and lead the women to accompany the stranger by the end of the house; men do not commit themselves this task, because were not the papre

Sights Daily Horoscope Horoscope Weekly Horoscope Monthly mengecilkan paha dan betis Horoscope Horo

<! -: EN -> Who are the three victims of yesterday, their criminal past and businesses who? (Source: Gazeta Tema, <! -: -> <! -: En -> Who are the three victims mengecilkan paha dan betis of Yesterday, theire criminal past and Businesses WHO? (Source: Gazeta Tema,<!--:--><!--:zh-->誰是昨天 他們罪惡的過去和商家誰的三名受害者 (來源: 新聞 報 特馬, <! -: -> <! -: EN -> Tirana, massacre killed three and wounded a boulevard "Zog I" (Source: : NOA, <! -: -> <! -: en -> Tirana, massacre killed three and wounded a boulevard "Zog I" (Source: NOA,<!--:--><!--:zh-->地拉那 大屠殺殺害了三名 mengecilkan paha dan betis 打傷一大道 佐格我 來源 NOA <!--:--> <! -: EN -> Horoscope May 28, 2015 (Source: Shekulli, <! -: -> <! -: En -> Horoscope May 28, 2015 ( Source: mengecilkan paha dan betis Shekulli, <! -: -> <! -: D -> 星座 2015 年 5 月 28 日 (來源: Shekulli, ) <! -: -> <! -: EN -> Gruevski arrives Sunday mengecilkan paha dan betis in Tirana (Source: Shekulli, <! -: -> <! - : en -> Gruevski arrives Sunday in Tirana (Source: Shekulli, <! -: -> <! -: D -> 格魯埃夫 斯基 週日 到達 地拉 那 (來源: Shekulli, <! -: -> <! -: EN -> Meta and candidate Hassan Halilaj meet with young people in Kukes (Source: SMI, www <! -: -> <! -: en -> Hasan Halilaj flawed candidates and meet with young people in Kukes (Source: SMI,<!--:--><!--:zh-->哈桑候選人Halilaj有瑕疵 與年輕人滿足庫克斯 來源 SMI mengecilkan paha dan betis <!--:-->
Sights Daily Horoscope Horoscope Weekly Horoscope Monthly mengecilkan paha dan betis Horoscope Horoscope Annual recipes beauty secrets HEALTH SPORT Showbiz Balkanweb GAZETTE mengecilkan paha dan betis newspaper Bota Sot newspaper Abc 55 Balkan newspaper Gazeta Express Gazeta newspaper Key Integration newspaper Koha Jone newspaper Metropol KosovaPress Panorama newspaper Shekulli newspaper RD Albanian newspaper Gazeta mengecilkan paha dan betis Shqip Newspaper Today newspaper Sport Express newspaper Standart Newspaper Guild Star Albanian TV News 24 TV A1 onilne Report Ora News Abc News Albania Screen Vision Plus Scan Channel One TV KTV VAT Super Sonic TV Club TV PAYMENT We treasure YESTERDAY TODAY THIS WEEK THIS MONTH
indian news paper Balkanweb world economy ikub CEA industry lions last news news news news news Albanian Albanian LightsOutLightshow mengecilkan paha dan betis latest news latest news news latest news OZ landscape region lajmshqip century English science mengecilkan paha dan betis technology technology themes ball ball-channel channel. TV
During World War I, the German navy had discovered how to lead with explosive distance to enemy ships. This was the first time in history that uses the concept mengecilkan paha dan betis of remote management. Soon, the process was modified using radio frequencies and thus the use of wires were completely eliminated forever. Much later, almost the same concept was used when TV was born.
By the emergence of TV, remote role usually played by the smallest member of the family. The sentence: "Son, please change the channel on the TV a little!" It was not rare. Lazy dads rescue mengecilkan paha dan betis came in 1950 when he produced the first remote named "lazy bones." This device plugged televiziorin through a long wire and users were able to ignite or turn off the camera mengecilkan paha dan betis or change channels with. Despite the great commercial success, it quickly retreated unit sales because of frequent customer complaints, which often ngatërroheshin in thin cables, paved along the living room. Precisely these complaints were the main stimulus to produce wireless remote control, which became a reality five years later.
In mid-60s of the 20th century, wireless remote controller Flash-Matic is surprised and wowed everyone. It was a simple device that send light rays towards a photoelectric cell in order to change the channel or trigger / quench TV. It turned out that this remote created a series of comic situations in many homes as photoelectric cells react to strong light sources such as sunlight or electric lamps to often convert their own channels. The problem was resolved a year later when produced Space Command remote control. It used ultrasound technology, which proved to be much more reliable and practical. Space Command "reigned" for 25 years, during which sold for 9 million devices of this type.
In the early 80s, the industry was returning to infrared technology, mengecilkan paha dan betis which is based on beam with very low frequency. However, infrared technology is not a revolution when it comes to the concept of remote control despite mengecilkan paha dan betis the fact that there were some changes such as pashmngshme increase the number of buttons on the device. It ck

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Free market south african fashion week is a summary term for a set of changes that occur in society

Top News Flurudha Skopje Press Herald Online Video Tetovo eMagic humor and music videos Albanian Eagle All Music World Press Photo Video International south african fashion week Mosaic Opinions Features Intimate History Albanian publications Vip Magazine Intimate Spirit messenger English Albanian Agency publications Agency eMagic eMagic
Free market south african fashion week is a summary term for a set of changes that occur in society. Each exchange is undertaken as a voluntary agreement between two people or between groups of people represented by authorized persons. These two individuals south african fashion week (or agents) exchange two economic, each tangible goods or services tangible. Thus, when I buy a newspaper from a news dealer for 50 cents, the news dealer and I exchange two commodities: I give 50 cents and vendor gives me daily newspaper. Or, if you work for a corporation, I exchange my labor services, in a mutually agreed way, for a monetary salary; here the corporation is represented by a manager south african fashion week (an authorized person) the right to take people to work. Both parties undertake the exchange because each expects to gain from it. Also, each will repeat the exchange next time (or refuse to do so) because his expectation has proved correct (or incorrect) in the recent south african fashion week past. Trade, or exchange precisely because both parties benefit; if they did not expect to gain, they would not agree to the exchange. This simple reasoning refutes the argument against free trade typical of the "mercantilist" Europe between the sixteenth and eighteenth century and classically explained by essayist famous sixteenth-century French essayist Montaigne. The mercantilists argued that in any trade, one party can benefit only at the expense of the other, that in every transaction there is a winner and a loser, a "user" and an "exploited". south african fashion week We can immediately see the fallacy in this still-popular viewpoint: the willingness and even eagerness south african fashion week to trade means that both parties benefit. In modern jargon of game theory, trade is a winning situation for both sides, a game with "positive-sum" rather than "zero-sum" or "negative sum". How can both parties benefit from an exchange? Each one values the two goods or services differently, and these differences set the stage for a showdown. For example, I was walking along with money in my pocket but no newspaper; On the other hand, the seller has plenty of newspapers but is anxious south african fashion week to acquire money. Thus, finding south african fashion week each other, we strike a deal. Two factors determine the terms of any agreement: how much each participant values each good in question and bargaining skills of each participant. How many cents will exchange for one newspaper, or how many Mickey baseball caps Mentëll will swap for a hat of Babe Ruth, depends on all the participants in the newspaper market or the baseball card market - on how much each evaluates south african fashion week cards compared to other goods he could buy. These terms of exchange, called "prices" (of newspapers in terms of money or of Babe Ruth cards in terms of Mickey Mantles), are ultimately south african fashion week determined by how many newspapers, or baseball cards, are available in the market in relation to how much favorably buyers evaluate these goods. In short, the quantity south african fashion week of their interaction with the demand for them. Given the amount of a commodity, an increase in its value in the minds of buyers will increase south african fashion week the demand for the good, more money will be allocated to it and its price will rise. The reverse occurs if the value and, consequently, the demand for goods falls. On the other hand, given the praise south african fashion week of buyers - or demand - for certain goods, if the supply increases, each unit of supply - each baseball card or loaf of bread - will fall in value and, consequently, the price of goods will fall. The opposite occurs if the quantity of goods increases. Then, the market is not simply a whole, but a highly complex, interacting latticework of exchanges. south african fashion week In primitive societies, exchanges are all direct exchanges. Two people trade two directly useful goods, such as horses for cows or Mickey Mantles for Babe Ruths, but as a society develops, south african fashion week a step by step process of mutual benefit creates a situation in which one or two broadly useful goods and valuable chosen on the market as mediator of indirect exchange. This money - commodity, generally but not always gold or silver, is then demanded not only as an end in itself, but even more to facilitate a re-exchange for other goods

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

CTI Breaking news: In April, was fined 16 entities and other blocked 7 Shkodra, Ambassador Der WEER

CTI Breaking news: In April, was fined 16 entities and other blocked 7 Shkodra, Ambassador Der WEERDT: Women in politics, less corruption Aferdita Dreshaj, a driver sex (Picture) Bulgarian President: Borders in the Balkans should not be Dako move in the former swamp, complete urbanization all Durres area, cuff teenagers two months after bomb laid in school Basha: Remember unfulfilled promises, then the Security Council vote, today regular session on Kosovo Competition for "Osumi "Rama: An extraordinary source of tourist income of US Ambassador to the UN, DiCarlo received the title" Doctor Honoris Causa "
Aferdita Dreshaj, a driver sex (Photo)
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Employment and economic development More schools marcus tomlinson with good conditions Hospitals Water Supply More green strong mayors who are open to citizens of the new gardens and childcare centers with better conditions, removing the current mayors marcus tomlinson in municipalities either do not know road and New sewers Social and Cultural Centre
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Monday, May 25, 2015

A green colored Ferrari that was considered the most expensive cars in the world was sold a few mon

May 24, 2015 - Vllaznimi william gaddis "demolon" Karaormanin 5-0 May 24, 2015 - Veleshta the festival, announced third league champion of Macedonia May 24, 2015 - severe accident at the entrance to Ohrid, fortunately without consequences May 24, 2015 - Albanian Rooster pattern selected for the largest Swiss bank Post Ad Post commemoration Contact
A green colored Ferrari that was considered the most expensive cars in the world was sold a few months ago for 35 million euros. But now another car type exclusive Ferrari, with a scarlet william gaddis color has found a buyer even "stronger". Full 38 million euros, has counted an anonymous buyer proud of car dealers Ferrari william gaddis 250 GTO, American collector cars, Paul Pappalardo. Chassis number of this vehicle is 51,111 and for the first time was purchased in 1974, reports Albinfo. "GTO is an automobile that is worth. It is like the Mona Lisa, it surrounds a spell. Who owns a car GTO owns a remarkable collection, "said a trader william gaddis in this case present during the transaction. Comments
Conflict of Kumanovo opinion prepared ricoptimi Albania

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Fascinating and frightening at the same time, rather than an electrical discharge between issued la

Latest News Sweden wins Eurovision 2015, Albania's 17th Eurovision voting, Albania shall Ends autopsy position five killed in Kumanovo Kumanovo scenario could happen in Kosovo Barcelona champion, for the title celebration, tears for the departure of a star WiWiBlogs: Look who wins the Eurovision and Dan Elhaida glamour games price Pejane graduates more beautiful than the stars it Holiwood Three hot photos of Orinda Huta Rolando Lekaj poses with Paris Hilton PDIU step campaign, Idris: Trojan horse lifted by Parliament
Fascinating and frightening at the same time, rather than an electrical discharge between issued lava and ash hundreds of meters height from the explosion of a volcano. Colima volcano in Mexico gave spectacle next to firing ranges in some amateur photographer, Hernando Rivera Cervantes.
Show 'free ticket' to locals came at a cost; authorities warned that they were always ready to move from the area, to anticipate further Rampages volcano. 2015-04-03
Eurovision voting order, Albania 8th
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Employment and economic development More schools with good conditions Hospitals Water Supply More green strong mayors who are open to citizens of the new gardens and childcare centers with better conditions, removing the current mayors in municipalities either do not know road and New sewers Social and Cultural Centre
. Belgrade counts lajmifundit world economy Edi Rama Holland picture isis france investigation Kurdish youth, LightsOutLightshow news online news news news news English glamour games news English glamour games online news latest news latest news news English glamour games news from the world lajmifundit lajmifundit Tirana lajmifundit latest news news The latest news al news online war Albanian opposition Nasip Naco police pd prishtine Pope Francis rama Serb justice reform syria US tyrannical

Friday, May 22, 2015

I can understand why they say so, because, unfortunately, feminism has a bad reputation. Some peopl

"Do not tell me sexism does not exist!" "Streets of Sugar Skip to Content
Interview with Kate Nash Kate Nash is a musician, feminist, had their first number 1 hit with 20 and has now released their third album "Girl Talk" recently. We talked to her about sexism in the music industry, their political commitment in Ghana and racism in England. SAZ: You have a new band, your own record label, playing bass and piano no. Why have you funded the album with crowdfunding?
Kate Nash: I just had a strange time, had quite a bit of shit experienced and wanted me there simply by working, I have continued to write on my album. If I had not published the album, I would have probably womens day nz crazy, that was important for my mental state. During production, the label has kicked me suddenly.
Your music is sometimes very personal. You said in an interview that you can express certain things in songs that you otherwise could not say. How do you feel when you those songs then before hundreds of people play and sing along with the testimony of you that were sometimes very painful? Last year, many of the things at stake in my songs, still very timely for me. I thought then, "what am I doing here?" I try to get over it, each new night, I suggest me around with it and then I have to remind you constantly singing. Sometimes I'm on the verge of crying on stage. But it will be easier after some time and the songs change and let me think of something else.
Few artists call themselves a feminist and oppose sexism. Björk has said, for example: "If I would describe myself as a feminist, I would isolate myself". What do you think such statements?
I can understand why they say so, because, unfortunately, feminism has a bad reputation. Some people believe that feminists would allegedly only hate men. There are many discussions and not a clear feminism. For me feminism is something very positive, it empowers me, and it's great when I can use for women and if I can improve the situation for girls. I think women and girls should be able to make their own decisions instead of having to listen to all the time that they are not good enough or that they can not achieve this or that. It should be possible to determine how we want to live.
As part of the "Because I am a Girl 'initiative you're also traveled to Ghana, have made with local people playing music together. As you have noticed that there are not dangers as white, rich singer in the pitfalls of "White Charity" to fall and racism, without wanting to reproduce?
I did not feel a hierarchy and it is not really "Charity", because they are given the opportunity to empower themselves. For example, they give the 15-year-old girl there the means to take their lives into their own hands can. I have also seen how these girls with other talk about things like sexual assault, bullying and prevention.
You also have support people who have lost their homes in 2011 after the riots in London. We have noticed it only through the media, but how do you assess womens day nz the role of racism as a cause of the riots?
It went in the riots at the beginning especially to racism, yes it has begun that a black boy was shot dead by a policeman. The protests became independent then and it was no longer about racism, but about issues of English Arbeiter_innenklasse. Of the murdered boy, the family then has distant. womens day nz The riots were then copied in other cities, but not for the original reason.
Something womens day nz there just when there is a right-wing government. But generally speaking, you realize that something is going wrong. I think sometimes, I had grown up in a bubble: I had very liberal parents, I went to a performing arts school, there were a wide variety of people, different sexualities womens day nz and religions. I'm sure that there are many problems with racism, and anti-Semitic attacks, but I am not directly affected, so I can not tell you how it feels.
I participated in a project for young girls, in which they learned instruments and wrote poetry. It was great to see how the girls have developed. That was real empowerment, because it's all about self-confidence. This shit girl magazines give you a bad feeling, telling them they were ugly and fat. In addition, we have a lot of talk before we transpose this project together. Initially h

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Dar ber hinaus k nnt ihr im Spiel auch eure eigene Musik nutzen und Playlists erstellen, das Spiel i

Dar ber hinaus k nnt ihr im Spiel auch eure eigene Musik nutzen und Playlists erstellen, das Spiel integriert diese dann dynamisch in den Spielablauf, reagiert also auf eure Aktionen und Leistungen.
Anbei die komplette Liste der enthaltenen Songs. Camo & Krooked - Breezeblock Camo & Krooked - Portal Dels - Capsize ft. Joe Goddard & Roots Manuva Digitalism - Blitz DJ Shadow - I Gotta Rock (Irn Mnky Swagger Mix) Felguk ft. Example - Plastic Smile Flux Pavilion - I Can't Stop Foster the People - Houdini Handsome Furs - Damage Hyper - Accelerate J Boogie's Dubtronic Science - Magik (Egyptian Lover Remix) ft. Aima the Dream, Cait La Dee & Raasha Ahmad Kid Digital - Done With That ft. Profit Konrad Old Money - Big Error Lateef lifetime makeover the Truthspeaker - Oakland ft. Del the Funky Homosapien & The Grouch Nero - Scorpions Noisia - Could this Be Noisia - Machine Gun Pretty Lights - It's Tricky (SSX Pretty Lights Remix) Run-DMC - Hot Like Dimes Raffertie - Twitch (It Grows and Grows: SSX Version) Skrillex - Scatta ft. Foreign Beggers & Bare Noize Styrofoam Ones - Better The Big Pink - Stay Gold The Herbaliser - What You Asked For The Hives - 1000 Answers The Naked and Famous - Young Blood The Prototypes - You Future The Qemists - Bones ft. Kellermensch The Qemists - Stompbox The Qemists - Lifeline Theophilus London - I Stand Alone (Ocelot Mix) TRS-80 - Mirage Turbowolf - A Rose for the Crows Two Door Cinema Club - Something lifetime makeover Good Can Work (The Twelves Remix) Wretch 32 - Traktor lifetime makeover Zion I and the Grouch - Drop It on the 1
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Monday, May 18, 2015

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Saturday, May 16, 2015

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Friday, May 15, 2015

And tonight to 1 clock I had again no idea what to do, and since I

Hey my love, which is now even a real Laber Post, the probably 80% of you will not even completely sophisticated hair read, haha. I wanted Just check out wish all a Happy New Year and hope you all beautiful (un) hailed decent :) My Silvester looked something like this: I curled up in my pajamas on my bed with much, much, much good food from Mama and look me, poor as I am, to oodles of Vines. I had in the evening Tired run really attract my dress, sophisticated hair so I've just left: D How did you so celebrated? Do you also so hardcore as I celebrated? : D
And because I had anyway nothing to do, nothing's special, just a New Year's Eve. I have my new collages for my two photo frames made because I have somehow found the old no longer fit completely to me. And the new I find really sooo nice, I have to watch all the time. How do you find the new collagen? :)
And tonight to 1 clock I had again no idea what to do, and since I'm such a huge nerd I have a little To-Do list in 2014 made me: D I did not really have any intentions this year as last, but simply sophisticated hair things that will make or buy me. Is somehow almost the same when I think about thoughtfully, haha.
Do you know this Scaffold Piercings? These are those piercings that go right across the ear, sounds now really crude, but it looks kind of so cool! You can google it if you can not you imagine it :) Kylie Jenner has so one and I have the time anyway a girl crush, I just love her style soooo much.
If I'm making no scaffold, I will let me stand more pierced ears, because sophisticated hair I actually wear no earrings, because I find it really weird to have only one earring in each ear, but if I had multiple ear piercings I would always wear plugs and I find it looks much cooler out :) Otherwise there to the list is not much to say except that I am on my mega 18er in exactly 68 !! days look. And I'm looking extremely on the day that I can terminate my contract O2 -.- Never again O2 without wit.
I've also been thinking about it maybe time to make a vlog, but I'm not sure because it strikes me as my videos would not be so requested lately and perhaps sophisticated hair even of no interest to you? I would be really happy about suggestions, or criticism, as long as constructive. And other postal wish, I know I can not fulfill every post or video request immediately or at all, but I'm writing it on me really and see if I can use some of it. I blog now for 2 years continuously, and I'm kind of at a point where I do not really know whether sophisticated hair it goes up or down. Of course you want to go somewhere to see bloggers as an improvement or simply notice any change. Entirely different subject, but perhaps not likely have some remarks in my last video that I cut my hair. It is not a scandalous amount from, but repays a little shorter, and I have to cut a little shorter actually before my hair in the next few weeks and to color a little brighter. sophisticated hair I just want a healthy length sophisticated hair again and as I so want to brighten up anyway, provides the cut so practically.
Wow, that were now really a lot of topics suddenly, haha. Sorry that I have vollgelabbert you, but I just wanted to write to you yet so my thoughts on this year, my ideas, etc. and simply hear from you what you think about certain things, to any new videos of me, improvements, criticism and other :) I hope you have a wonderful year with mostly good as bad moments that you are pleased with you and not take everything so seriously in life :) I do best now finally serve up my department to continue working or I'm really still a Problem: sophisticated hair D nice evening to you nor my loved ones! xxx
I read your blog like, because you're sophisticated hair pretty much one of the only ones who have started at the same time with me to blog and have not stopped. Can you remember when you have ever posted sophisticated hair on girls to make his blog fame you still? : D In the beginning I could somehow do not find in your posts, but lately I find the really good:) I have my blog deleted because it just did not suit me and Michelle and Tatjana, for example, blogging yes not really , Somehow I find it particularly sophisticated hair after Marie stopped by who weiterzubloggen leave courage, because sophisticated hair she was such a role model for me. Did you know it? :) To your post: I also want to again make me soon a vision board, but right now my room is perfect the way it is and it

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Video of the week, very clear! Producer and Sample Genius Greg Gillis aka Girl Talk Pittsburgh has

Distorted People presents the Son of Blades Sneaker (+ raffle) CULTURE
Video of the week, very clear! Producer and Sample Genius Greg Gillis aka Girl Talk Pittsburgh has received a joint EP titled "Broken Ankles" mode glamour along with Philly spitter Freeway. The project will be released on April 8 as a free download. For the single "Tolerated" with Waka Flocka Flame also the official mode glamour video now premiered. Stranger Trash. Just have a look:
Director: Allen Cordell - A Lodger Films Production Creative Director: Gregg Gillis Executive Producer: Mookie Singerman Produced by: George Kallert / Peter J. Nieves / Rob Schroeder Cinematography: Richard Kim
Blogger - Music Lover - Fashion Addict - Digital Native. Born in 1983 in Landau and professionally Medienfachwirt & Digital Media Manager on the road, Pascal founded the blog in 2007 and since then writes passionate about music, lifestyle, fashion & Netzkram.
The Girls Of Surfing X

How we deal in Hamburg with Schietwetter

Next Level with spray-paint art Pref ID
How we deal in Hamburg with Schietwetter
So slowly escapes the adrenaline best fashion magazine out of my body. Am I just run with music? No. "New experiments show" music while running performance-enhancing effect "- but they also lead to the release of stress hormones."
If I went today, I would today probably best fashion magazine heard the new hip-hop scrap of Girl Talk, "Feed The Animals". A great album for Lau, and who pays, gets on top ne 'higher data rate or the CD. (Via nom nom nom)
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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

In real life he is Gregg Gillis (28) and is from Pittsburgh. The new album

Subscription info Display Cooperative I taz.zahl Panter international women s day 2012 Price Shop ePaper Archive Café Lab 2015 New Panter Foundation weekend zeozwei House Blog Blogs Travels international women s day 2012 in the civil society movement Le Monde diplomatique CONTEXT: weekly foreign research funds help
taz: Mr. Gillis, your new Girl Talk album 'All Day' has just been published. It is 71 minutes long and consists of 372 samples of famous pop songs. And you have obtained in any single permission to use them. How is it that you do not sit in jail?
Gregg Gillis: In the United States there is this legal principle of "fair use" is. Music After sampling without permission may be also - if certain criteria are met. For example, with the sample When something new is created really. Or if there is no negative impact on potential sales of the artist produced. 'All Day' is my fifth album - and I think most artists see now that what I am doing them no harm.
I think I influence her record sales are not negative - on the contrary. I have a relatively new fan base - and if I sample older songs, it may even be that young people rediscover old bands, because they have heard it in my tracks. Ideally, my goal is my music, to create something new. One can identify well the samples in my music, international women s day 2012 you hear them and know which are the pop songs. But I do not just want to just use, I mean to create something new that is not the starting material in competition.
It was long rumored that you are practically one foot in jail. But now there are theories that the music industry is afraid to sue - because such a precedent could be created that allows sampling. Share this view?
In real life he is Gregg Gillis (28) and is from Pittsburgh. The new album "All international women s day 2012 Day" by the artist can be downloaded completely free of charge as a continuous 71 minute long MP3 file. Here is the link to download and here to Torrent. Of particular interest is the link to stream the album with an indication of the sampled songs that each run, the mash-up break-down.
What am I doing, moves in a gray area. There can not be a hundred percent legal, until it comes to trial. Because fair use is not a law but a rule of law. But I think most people think that you will be sued if one is sampling the song from someone else without permission. international women s day 2012 Or that you have to pay a lot of money for it.
If there would be a process that a lot of coverage would bring, the light would draw that there is such a thing as fair use at all. And if we win, then that many people would open their eyes, that they can do that. That's why I think a lot of people who are dealing with music copyright, would like to avoid this precedent. That's why it makes perfect sense that they currently do not worry about what I'm doing.
Of course no one wants to go to court. But I would definitely do it - because I believe in what we do. To use things from the past and from it to create something new, is not a bad idea. Around the world there are people who are enthusiastic about this idea. If we would thus get into trouble, there is certainly a decent legal reaction from people who would like to ourselves and our reasoning highly represented.
I've always strived to be a musician. But I have no idea if people see me so. I can not play a traditional musical instrument. But I think also it is possible to be a musician. Because I try to make new music.
This means to combine on the new album Aphex Twin with Lady Gaga and the rappers international women s day 2012 Souja Boys. Where do you get such a wild combinations? Listen to a track and know what suits it? Or that is the result of long Laptopgefrickel?
That's not particularly intuitive for me. Rather, I try a lot and little work. I constantly sample songs and try combinations. Aphex Twin and Soulja Boys - that has not put together in my mind, but on the computer. "Windowlicker" by Aphex Twin is one of my favorite songs. I played it for years in countless remixes - but it took four or five years, until I finally found the right combination for a cool version.
I do not want to pack on my album, if I do not have a feeling that in fact something musically interesting results from the combination. For the 372 samples that you can now listen to the album, I've been working with snippets of more than 2,000 songs. Since there are many more flops than hits.
I never want to push actively certain artists

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

12 | 05 | 15 at 13:48 persists bar estilo esher in building a highway through coast ???, this is ju

The center organizes a weekend free public lecture and workshop "What bar estilo esher we choose: love or fear?" All people have fears, and the list and "choice" are uncountable. Fears is to take great care, time, energy, thoughts, bar estilo esher and most often in the depths of our souls with the desire that no one hears it, does not recognize, do not guessed, I see. ", Says the Center TO the lecture that will take place psychotherapist Maruška Drašković Postgraduate Center Dubrovnik on Saturday at 18 pm and the workshop bar estilo esher on Sunday from 10 to 16 hours.
"I believe bar estilo esher in change and spiritual development of the world and that's my motto, which gives me the strength and endurance to more than forty years of working with people, to be courageous, understand, love and support in their efforts to live a life worthy of himself, to breathe yourself joy and meaning. " Maruska said Draskovic. bar estilo esher They call on the application and information on 099 401 3091 (Antonio) or 091 208 8777 (Zrinka).
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And this year during the month of May marks the Euromelanoma day, the day when the whole of the European Union warns of harmful bar estilo esher effects through ...
12 | 05 | 15 at 13:48 persists bar estilo esher in building a highway through coast ???, this is just ridiculous from an environmental, economic and any othe ... Columns
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Monday, May 11, 2015

Related gird up the loins of your mind news municipal workers 10% higher fee for shorter sick leave

City Councilors At yesterday's session unanimously supported the mayor's proposal on the recapitalization of the company VG Goricanka 6 million. This City will enter into share ownership of the new company, which was founded gird up the loins of your mind Cleanliness VG, VG and VG komunalac water supply.
Recall, after the collapse of VELKOM, gird up the loins of your mind established gird up the loins of your mind the new utility companies, which from the beginning operate in rented premises. Due to the need for finding a more efficient and less expensive solutions, began thinking about building gird up the loins of your mind a community center. Given the window of opportunity and sell real estate GORIČANKA new, which went bankrupt, VG cleanliness, water supply VG and VG komunalac, founded the company VG Goricanka and bought that property.
In the course of the contest to select the best bidder at the tender for arranging municipal center Vg Goricanka. By moving to the new premises will reduce the costs of business, there is a stabilization of the municipal system in financial terms and improves the standard gird up the loins of your mind of municipal services to citizens.
- A unit of local government must provide an effective, economical and purposeful conduct all activities for the functioning of the city. For this reason the city will enter into the ownership gird up the loins of your mind structure of the VG GORIČANKA the investment share capital of 6 million. A renovation of space ensures adequate space for operations, not only the three utility companies gird up the loins of your mind but also other entities operating in the city, and the goal of the City is that for all the companies and institutions in their property long term rationalize and reduce the costs of renting, and business to ensure quality and especially in adequate premises - said Mayor Drazen Barisic, noting that this would provide better municipal services to citizens, gird up the loins of your mind which is one of the main objectives gird up the loins of your mind of the project.
Related gird up the loins of your mind news municipal workers 10% higher fee for shorter sick leave, and for good work will be rewarded - Workers Komunalac VG, VG and VG Purity water supply company can be awarded, which has so far been limited - he noted ... Completed bankruptcy VELKOM. Creditors available to 80 million kuna After 13 years of waiting, 453 employees destroyed utility company Velkom gird up the loins of your mind finally gird up the loins of your mind will get their claims. The word ...

date: 7/15/2015. url: publishing house VBZ twelfth time issues a public tender f

"Stones", a play on the prevention of youth violence emmelina monodactyla
The play "Stones" Mala scena that occurred on a true story from 1994, author Tom Lycos and Stef Nantsoua, which was created by director Ivica Simic, will be performed in Tuesday, 03.17.2015. in 12 hours in the Cultural Centre emmelina monodactyla in Sisak. The show starring emmelina monodactyla Mark Hergešić and Philip Lozić. Stones is a show for young people from 10 years upwards of two boys of 13 and 15 years who, throwing stones with the overpass at the speeding cars, causing emmelina monodactyla an accident and the death of the driver. In the trial, the question of guilt and punishment, but also responsibility for the incident. Are the boys guilty or not and, if so, how to punish them? Who is responsible for youthful violent behavior and accidents that accompany such behavior? The show raises all those questions and trying once more to raise awareness about the social responsibility of theater for young audiences. A visit to the show is organized by the students of primary schools in the city of Sisak.
Competitions and training
date: 7/15/2015. url: publishing house VBZ twelfth time issues a public tender for the literary prize for the best unpublished novel. The deadline for sending manuscripts to the competition on July 15, and manuscripts are submitted under the code.
Center Sirius partners with the Croatian Employment Service, Regional Office Sisak, emmelina monodactyla RCT Zagreb, PRONI - Centre for Social Education, the Association of Lutum Clays Announces Call for free education with employment opportunities in the workplace, "Head of the club for youth employment" as part of the Youth Job Clubs - Pilot Project in Kelantan. emmelina monodactyla All information get in [...]
Hours: 31/08/2015. - 09.04.2015. date: 5/10/2015. location: Old Town; Hvar url: you feel that you are dealing with sound art to field recording on a five-day international workshop audio 'architecture and time'
FESS and CeKaPe invite artists emmelina monodactyla and authors, and kratkopričaše kratkopričašice and all those who feel like it to come forward with stories in which speak are invited and oppose, touch and move away, or in any other manner deal with "America". Festival of the European Short Story in partnership with the Center for Creative Writing (CeKaPe) on the occasion of its 14th edition, which [...]
On this day the world celebrates the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery. Celebrating this day is a reminder of the decision of the General Assembly of the United Nations, which on December 2, 1948, introduced the Convention for the Suppression of Human Trafficking and exploitation of prostitution. This Convention is now a cornerstone of human rights, and is directed to all forms of human trafficking, sexual exploitation, exploitation [...]
Recent news Invitation to free education with employment opportunities in the workplace, "Head of the club for youth employment" as part of the Youth Job Clubs - Pilot Project in Kelantan. Berlin emmelina monodactyla calling. Who will participate in the Champions League final? Stories of 10 Croats who can not stay out of work: We do the best jobs in Croatia!
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Visit Euro Info box Info youth center Sisak project PRONI Centre for Social Education PRONI Centre for Social emmelina monodactyla Education Project "active community" project is financed by the European Union through the Erasmus + Key Activity 3 The coordinator emmelina monodactyla PRONI Centre for Social Education Project "A -LA ?! " (A local activism ?!) was financed with the support of the Ministry emmelina monodactyla of Social Policy emmelina monodactyla and Youth Lead partner PRONI Centre for Social emmelina monodactyla Education European Youth Portal European Youth Portal GOVERNMENT OF CROATIAN Office for NGOs Our Info-Centres Community ICM in Croatia The "Counter" Thank ERYICA the collaboration: City of Sisak and Sisak County RADIO RADIO SISAK QUIRINUS APPLE TV
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Sunday, May 10, 2015

10:30 a.m. to 11:00 -

18: 00-19: 00 - 'Green economy as the optimal direction of development of Croatia ", the president of the Eko Kvarner association Faithful Piršić 19: 00-20: 00 -' Pumpkin ohio campaign finance oil; elixir of life ", speaker: Nives Lovric, Grbic doo Friday 04/10/2015.
10:30 a.m. to 11:00 - "How sweet can be good for health ', speaker: Drazen Horvat, ohio campaign finance Delicia Ltd. 11:00 to 11:45 -' Croatia asbestos', lecturer mr. sig. Nenad Maljkovic, Professor, ohio campaign finance Association of My Island 12:00 to 13:00 - Workshop for pregnant women, the association RODA - Parents in Action 1:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. - 'Why and when is good to drink alkaline water', lecturer: Andrei Kuplenk, Mia Natura doo 13:30 to 14:00 - "Hemp - the plant of the future ', speaker: Nikolina Susak, World hemp 14:00 to 15:00 -' ohio campaign finance I can do better ', lecturer Ingrid Karačić Butorac Association Amor 15:00 - 16:00 - 'Sustainable development of the Kvarner region - opportunities and activities planned for 2020 .; president of the Eko Kvarner association Faithful Piršić 16:00 to 17:00 - "The natural and complementary medicine as a profession and as a method of self-help ', Lecturer: Jelica Popić dr. med., director of the College Lovran - Wellness Academy 17:00 - 17: 30 - Presentation of mountaineering and hiking equipment, PD Kamenjak 18:30 to 19:00 - Fit & Fun mini trampoline represents 'Poledance ohio campaign finance - a combination of mind and body', manager: Valentina Santini 19:00 to 20:00 - 60 minute workout complete relaxation and events objective Revivir center to revitalize the mind and body and Jadranka Rogić (Life Coach) Saturday 11/04/2015.
9:30 to 10:30 - Meditation with the gong 'Creating the Future ", leader: Ingrid Karačić ohio campaign finance Butorac Association Amor 10:30 to 11:00 a.m. - Presentation of mountaineering and hiking equipment, PD Kamenjak 11:00 - 12:00 - Revivir, ohio campaign finance Center for the revitalization of mind and body and Jadranka Rogić (Life Coach) program training '7 Steps to vitality' 12:00 to 13:00 - Presentation of the project 100% natural and workshops of natural cosmetics, biotechnology Students Rijeka 13:00 - 14: 00 - Fit & Fun mini trampoline represents workshop 'Jumping to health, the head Valentina Santini 14:00 to 15:00 - Workshop on cloth diapers, Association RODA - Parents in Action 16:00 to 16:30 - Presentation of mountaineering and plavninarske equipment, PD Kamenjak 17:00 to 18:00 - Presentation of the Federation of Damanhur and underground temples of humanity, with the screening of the film 18:00 to 19:00 - Presentation of the 'Blessing of the uterus' meditation, manager: Anja Grubiša - all in one craft shiatsu and other service 19:00 to 8:00 p.m. - 'The importance of dietary fiber in the regulation of body weight', lecturer mr. Pharm. Spec. Davor J. Korčok, director Abel Pharm Ltd. Serbia Sunday, 12.04.2015.
10:00 to 11:00 - Presentation of the Federation of Damanhur and underground temples of humanity, with the screening of the film 11:00 to 12:00 - dance therapy 'Dance of freedom', ohio campaign finance the workshop leader: Ingrid Karačić Butorac Association Amor 12:00 to 13:00 - ' Hormonal Yoga - the natural way to balance ohio campaign finance and satisfaction, "manager Renata Reiner, certified yoga teacher Hormonal Croatia 13:00 to 14:00 -" The natural and complementary medicine as a profession and as a method of self-help ', ohio campaign finance speaker: Dr. Jelica Popić. med., director of the College Lovran ohio campaign finance - Wellness Academy 14:30 to 15:00 - Presentation of mountaineering and hiking equipment, PD Kamenjak 16:00 to 17:00 - Workshop "Little School of breastfeeding ', Association RODA - Parents in Action 17:00 - 18:00 - Workshop 'Aromatherapy during pregnancy, during ohio campaign finance delivery and puerperal' manager: doula Tatjana Ljustina Milaković 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. - Meditation with the gong 'Acceptance of plenty', manager: Ingrid Karačić Butorac, Amor Association 19: 00 - 19:30 - 'Prevention of diseases of the spine, "a lecturer Marin Dragicevic, bacc.physioth 19:30 to 20:00 - Presentation of mountaineering and hiking equipment, PD Kamenjak LIST OF EXHIBITORS' FOOD FROM NATURE '
1st Krk Moto doo, Kranj second Pag Dairy Inc., Pag third Delicia Ltd., Buzet 4th Light Consulting, Zagreb - Exclusive distributor for ChufaMix ohio campaign finance device fifth Ver Vita doo, Zagreb 6. OPG Drazin, Kastel Stari Agricultural seventh Crafts Organica Vita, Čađavica ohio campaign finance 8th & Organic Tincture, Zagreb ninth Heka Natura doo Rijeka 10th Enzita doo, Zagreb 11th TT - Wings - an advocate for natural gluten-free products from the plant amaranth, Rijeka 12th OPG Kalić Zvonimir Ðakovo 13th Gligora Dairy Ltd., Kolan 14th Havana doo Rijeka 15th Encian doo, Donji Stupnik 16th Company for publicity JADRIKS, Rijeka 17th Xtr

Home News On the occasion of the birth anniversary of the great stodvadesetšeste Croatian artists

On the occasion of the birth anniversary of the great stodvadesetšeste Croatian artists Joza Kljakovic, on Tuesday, March 10 at 18 pm, in the area of the collection of the deadlines park 4, there will be lectures on the life and work of Joze Kljaković.
Home News On the occasion of the birth anniversary of the great stodvadesetšeste Croatian artists Joza Kljakovic, on Tuesday, March 10 at 18 pm, in the area of the collection of the deadlines park 4, there will be lectures on the life and work of Joze Kljaković.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

bravo for Bianca and opportunity! menopause care, would you repeat this lecture? I plan to be in th

Within the project "a partnership of action cape town fashion for the protection of biodiversity in the Western Balkans region - support organizations and the development of partnerships and projects violations" The center is already in the middle of the realization of a set of lectures titled "Green Thursday". Four Thursday cape town fashion at the offices CZIP dedicated to Naturi2000 and natural resources of Montenegro, and were designed to provide information that is essential and which are directly related to the application Nature2000. The aim of each session is to break the myth of Naturi2000 and provide facts and answers cape town fashion to all the doubts that are still present in the general public. cape town fashion
At the first lecture held 19.05.2011. cut opportunity was known tea, a room filled young people employed limb ržavni m institutions dealing with the protection of nature. Satisfied with the way the Natura 2000 presented amazed with everything what Montenegro also offers a hiding, announced their visit and at the next set.
On that occasion, on the square near the Clock Tower set the official banner of this world holiday, while members of the Centre cape town fashion pointed out posters around Podgorica. They also handed out posters or other promotional material CZIP interested passersby with announcement of "Green Thursday". It was not a small number of people who stopped to find out more. Those who have not met with CZIP team were able to read about the event in the newspaper.
For all those interested, classes are held Thursday in the poor at 16 h in the offices of the Center - Square with the clock tower, the door to MontVet (Trg Duke Bećir beg Osmanagic, Podgorica). And for more information and a schedule of topics can be found on our website: or through mails:
I am interested in them as Natura2000 different, why is conceived as a network. We had questions cape town fashion about what kind of protection is provided by the Natura 2000, better or worse than the current system, because it involves people. We discussed the advantages Nature2000 and what it offers to those who do not own land. It is especially interesting when commenting on examples of good practice and think to some could be applied cape town fashion in our country, cape town fashion but all give suggestions where Montenegro is to be applied, what we have here what might be offered as a product. Since we represent and birds in these two lectures, all participants are enthusiastic about how attractive species exist and people are eager to go out there and try to see them. This is especially helpful because they recall the slogan Nature2000 "human nature" and that it is more friendly cape town fashion just observing the birds and the like. Basically there are various suggestions cape town fashion and questions, a lot of laughter and interesting ideas. People come and announce that for the third time. Answers Delete
Hello Bianca, congratulations for the activity. cape town fashion Just to remind cape town fashion you (do not know if you've cape town fashion used so far) in the Green Home in can take a fact sheet on the Natura 2000 prepared by WWF, MIS and Green Homa is called the 'Natura-successful, flexible, modern' '. It would probably be useful to participants, additional info about N20000. Hello, Milka Reply Delete
bravo for Bianca and opportunity! menopause care, would you repeat this lecture? I plan to be in the CG approximately two weeks once to catch a lecture - totlno my cool and I'm interested in what people ask and comment. Andrea Reply Delete
Since the lecture part of the project for the time being there are no plans to make another set. The last lecture "Green Thursday" we plan to try to organize at the university, just for the experiments. If all goes well and show that the people of concerned, it may be possible to repeat at least some lectures in this way. (Of course this idea is in its infancy and is only mentioned in the last session because the bulk of the people who come or are still there or has recently graduated from university, and proved to be the most interested audience). Answers Delete
The third lecture from a set of "Green Thursday" held the second last or third lecture in the series cape town fashion "Green Thursday". Rooms CZIP again visited a good number of participants cape town fashion interested in Naturu2000 and wealth of Montenegro. We are especially pleased that this lecture abounded questions and comments and they are trying to present the set is closed before you get all the answers. Through the presentation of examples of good practice is open to discussions on how to represent nature to it as the one in essence and is better adapted to its public image. With examples cape town fashion for and against both proposals lecture continued with some of the "less popular" representatives of fauna-reptiles and amphibians. What we can conclude is that each species deserves attention and protection, and participants were able to satisfy themselves that Montenegro behind some of the symbols of "wild beauty". On this occasion, Also the inform all interested parties that will last lecture is likely to be moved because of neodloživih obligations lecturers. St.