A great thanks married a great congratulations for everyone centerpiece A small Munch, a kiss For a centerpiece rise above task for sending Creole drastically For all others may know it is worth No need to talk too No need too tell Creole mother tongue is ours is home Culture is our embrace With two open our arms wide in gathering glory our language can carry Without prejudice, without sending rise without vent, without divorcing In a hug closely An'n advancing on this site An'n leaning on the pole sila'a glamour party But we will never fall centerpiece markets march ahead Mikelita glamour party Jean Site: www.mespoemes.net/miracullus4560virgin
A grwô thanks to wheels also Kelita, woumenm can konprwann affairs development languages Creole, is a matter that concerned all people can or are the creole speakers, whether they are the children glamour party of the creole speakers but were not holed will praticke languages Creole again, whether the foreign, so people who do not have anything to reliable and which can Concerned levasionnèt the languages heck Creole Haitian glamour party culture, but whose taste for y'aprwann it; dwell on them too, Fock not forget if we can parley Creole except ackoz we had bred on a coast Creole-il is on flanges esansièl the Haitian culture vivans in-us, but not just the ones who can interpret interested realities Haitian culture the Comfort, plus n'ava zoutiye Creole-is newer n'ava SAV can aprwesie band beauty djout that conceals the inside neckline band beauty acki we can be found in poetry in letteratu in song. I am happy to find many cases citizens living Armenia interested vroye-Creole farther, that can make a difference in development capacity glamour party konmunikatif the Creole languages-which in my opinion, may deserve much work to get him brought glamour party in Level on k'ava help argumantasion obtini newer capabilities include between glamour party all peoples can parlance Creole, May tightens again between all people that can cause Creole, separa you had said it, nor wheels heck m'ape hardening give to all other band bazaar that become broukante ideas with our site sala-of nonn forget that person may be liable to on-site following kockenn load Thank you for davwè if there was a centerpiece glamour party not know t'ava konmunike Eve one another. Adam ondot sun vedi (à la forthcoming) glamour party
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