Sunday, November 30, 2014

The ideological turn in the thinking and practice of black activists and Muslim (Islamic outrageous

What do we mean, or what is the same, of who we mean by feminism? Already entered the twenty-first century, it is not so clear. However it was not for the hundred years of hegemonic construction of Euro-American feminist discourse. bell hooks (sic), African-American activist who has insisted on the interweaving of gender, race and social class, puts it as follows in a passage outrageous acts and everyday rebellions of Is not I a Woman (1981) quoted in the excellent anthology of Mercedes Jabardo Black Feminisms: "The force that allows White to authors not refer to racial identity in his books on women and that are actually outrageous acts and everyday rebellions books on white women, is the same as would oblige any author who wrote exclusively about black women to make explicit their racial identity [...] is the dominant outrageous acts and everyday rebellions race which can make it seem his experience as a representative ".
Feminists nonwhite, to take the floor as subjects, have dismantled the concepts of representation and representation, and revealed the epistemological system of domination of classical feminism. Black Women, Indian, Chinese and Arabic have denounced how exclusive dichotomies (sex / gender, tradition / emancipation, public space / private space) reproduce outrageous acts and everyday rebellions structural inequalities and power relations in the capitalist system (center / periphery is based, first world / third world, progress / dependence, industrialization outrageous acts and everyday rebellions / precapitalism) and thus perpetuate the notion of inferiority. Under this approach, Hazel V. Carby crumbles in his contribution in Black Feminisms the concepts of family, patriarchy and reproduction, central to the Euro-American feminist theory, and shows that quarantined the simple notion of equality outrageous acts and everyday rebellions between white and nonwhite women.
But the critique of conceptual pride of hegemonic feminism has been focusing on building alternatives, outrageous acts and everyday rebellions both discursive and militancy. It is not starting from scratch, but to rebuild categories that recognize the possibility of specificity without annular cross-cultural reference points. Thus, for the new feminism delocalized systems sex / gender are many and not one generalizable deducted from European nuclear family. This budget, outrageous acts and everyday rebellions establishing the theories of gender queer and LGBT +, is a challenge for black feminists and those operating in Islamic, prone contexts to prioritize strategies that specify a unitary identity, whether based on race or religion.
The simultaneous recognition of multiple and subordinate identities (think someone woman, not white, feminist, Islamist, lesbian, outrageous acts and everyday rebellions Egyptian, Arab and Bedouin, to give a possible example) is the first step in breaking the historical dynamics of amorphous categories and postcolonial generalizations style "la-woman-of-third-world". But so is to overcome the new dichotomies in falling feminisms in gestation in Feminism in Islam, Margot Badran draws the path of Islamic feminism against the use of gender as a discursive tool, which is seen as "a weapon cultural destruction. " However, while culturally polarization religion / secularism, other achievements of Western bourgeois feminism (right to work, access to education and universal suffrage) not in question is imposed. The most significant is that these contradictions of the "Islamic feminism" no longer deeply modern, following a national feminist narratives of more than one hundred years. In Opening the Gates. An Anthology of Arab Feminist Writing (1990), Badran own compiled, outrageous acts and everyday rebellions along with miriam cooke (sic), the leading voices of classical outrageous acts and everyday rebellions Arabic feminism: Huda Shaarawi, Inji Aphlatun, Duriya Shafiq, Zaynab Fawwaz, etcetera.
If religion is a fundamental vector for the Arab-Islamic activism gender, are no less history, sociology, political or tongue. outrageous acts and everyday rebellions In this black and Arab feminisms link to the experience of peripheral European feminisms (Spanish is an example, see the recent anthology of Spanish feminist thought, and Maite Zubiaurre Roberta Johnson, Chair, 2012), with whom they share, also more formal diversity: more than the philosophical essay, popular genre of traditional feminism, these other feminisms are worth the autobiography, narrative, outrageous acts and everyday rebellions music or manifesto. Is paradigmatic article Angela Davis in Black Feminisms on letters outrageous acts and everyday rebellions of Bessie outrageous acts and everyday rebellions Smith and Ma Rainey.
The ideological turn in the thinking and practice of black activists and Muslim (Islamic outrageous acts and everyday rebellions or liberal) culminates in his reluctance to declare feminists. The term "feminist" has not been spared outrageous acts and everyday rebellions the historical outrageous acts and everyday rebellions stigma of being an instru

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Beatriz Suárez Briones in presenting Feminisms essay Olga Castro and Maria Reimóndez, at the Book Fair Pontevedra paraphrase sentence pronounced almost a century ago by Rosa Luxemburg, "Socialism woman magazine or barbarism", said today dixuntiva is between "democracy real or barbarism ', better still between "Feminism or barbarism". A professor at the University of Vigo ended well an intervention in which he confessed "remain excited and enthusiastic about the outcome of the book, a real conceptual map of feminisms." Define the work as "a look from above to the history of feminist thought and practice over the last fifty years." "The success of the book is also allowing walk down the street of feminisms, not just Westerners, also of the third world. How well does the history of feminism in Galicia. A vision hipersintética, a work complex and very expensive. "
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Saturday, November 29, 2014

Teresa Moure (text in Galician) 1. In contrast to the contempt he regularly bazzar magazine receive

Home History Origins Travel the galaxy decreasing The decrease in the state Spanish What is it? Voluntary Simplicity Guide Alternative Transition Town Comprehensive bazzar magazine Cooperative Groups Consumer Movement Slow Food Sovereignty Okupación Permaculture Agroecology Land Bank Recovery buildings and homes empty Banking ethics Combating the great works Sindicalismo bazzar magazine autogestionario Cast work Ecoaldeas basic incomes and income ceiling Groups Transport insolvent group shared Repoblación rural agrarian Relocation Autoconstrucción Green Building sustainable land distribution Orchards Community Health integral birth, breastfeeding and parenting natural Knowledge Communities Free Press Free Free Education Network Barter Market Banks hours local fiscal disobedience civil disobedience Cooperatives of production and consumption Renewable exchange networks Coins Political Action Reset social work gift economy Relocation Back to reconnect with the simple time vital self-management and participatory democracy ecofeminismo Nonviolence Small is beautiful North-South cooperation out of addiction financial Resume Sense Imaginary Producers Myths Progress meaning abundance and scarcity development Sustainable development Technological Optimism dematerialization of the economy Growth Globalization Process Needs productive human economic process Exponential Function Crisis Accumulation and Growth Stage Advertising Obsolescence Multiple Credit Crisis Economic Energy Financial Policy Social Cultural Ecological Ethics Crisis as opportunity
Teresa Moure (text in Galician) 1. In contrast to the contempt he regularly bazzar magazine receives feminism in the media, the presentation of the program objectives of eco-feminism serves regularly to win audiences. As alluded to the connection between ecology and feminism, the public opinion softened. Women may not be in the world to serve man? Reasons? and also the nature can not be there as a set of resources that man can dominate at will. Enunciarmos this connection seems to grant both revolutionary legitimacy to the fight green, so it does not look like a matter of sensitivity, as the feminist struggle, which comes broadened its scope outside the struggles bazzar magazine for representation. Because, against a feminist institution that acts trying strain bazzar magazine women in status quo, ecofeminism retains breath subversive pretending bust entire system and remove the privileges of gender, which is the real goal of grassroots social bazzar magazine movements. In that sense, for me the discovery of ecofeminism was a refoleada fresh air. 2. By putting the focus on the connection between sexism and oppression of nature, experience ecofeminist furnishes something many do not offer revolutionary vanguard seen: a estuary is not a mass of water to obtain industrial exploitation, or a mountain is a lot of we can extract minerals to enrich us. An estuary or a mountain landscape bazzar magazine are agents bazzar magazine who cultivated various forms of life over the centuries. If we accept this condition incubators essential for life, it is easy concedérmoslles the right to stays above the interests ephemeral and purely economic, bazzar magazine human beings. bazzar magazine Unlike other perspectives, ecofeminism not meet demand limited objectives bourgeois bazzar magazine women. But not content with accepting that the revolution of the proletariat is met without considering the question of genre, much as some colleagues they still seem incidental. The dinosaurs they are. Why think that gender is an addition to the basic question of the class means, in fact, do not question all the relations of privilege. 3. Among the precursors of ecofeminism is Vandana Shiva, an Indian thinker linked to Chipko Movement; a group of women who encadeaban trees to prevent their felling within a project of reform particularly aggressive. The Chipko movement is opposed to the logic of an industrial agriculture, mechanized and dependent on the dictates of the laboratories. But it also gives letter to other claims unreleased in feminism. Want to link this issue with the criticism that feminists Third World feminism did Western stating that stereotyped. The trend, in fact, is to see women African, Indian or Andean bazzar magazine as religious (ie non-progressive), family oriented (ie traditional), minors bazzar magazine (not aware of their rights), illiterate bazzar magazine (ie ignorant ) and domestic (which is as much as primitive). Against this profile, bazzar magazine the Chipko movement implied that a non-Western people could develop their own methods of struggle, with goals well plotted, and the other from asumíbeis

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Wrists and palms: Open palms connotes honesty and loyalty. When talking with a woman in the normal

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Recognizing the difference more clearly understand the body language raine and horne leichhardt and not as difficult as one might think. raine and horne leichhardt Here you have given yourself up without raine and horne leichhardt realizing that a woman and that you consider how easily your right, tricks to understand what you want .. you when looking raine and horne leichhardt at opening the eyes: Overview of the most important and most simple way to understand women. raine and horne leichhardt When a woman likes a man eyeballs grow and men ...
News History: October 17, 2014 - Read Count: was read 152 times. Recognizing the difference more clearly understand raine and horne leichhardt the body language and not as difficult as one might think. Here you could handle it without being aware of himself and a woman that you think about what your ease, tricks to understand what you want ..
If you open your eyes look: Look for the most important and most simple way to understand raine and horne leichhardt women. A woman is like a magic eyeballs boys and men without realizing that information is interpreted correctly. In this way an indication that you satisfied with what looks that give a positive response and interest.
Wrists and palms: Open palms connotes honesty and loyalty. When talking with a woman in the normal communication we see only the top of the hand and arm. However, if you show the opposite side of the wrist or palm to talking with you and are interested in giving the message that it wants to build a warmer communication. If talking with you touching their legs: This means that fully draw upon your attention.
If talking touching raine and horne leichhardt his chest: it does not appear to be the beginning of this movement has nothing to do with maternal instinct. You can lead a healthy child is trying to tell our own, without realizing it. Since bowed his head slightly: The people they cocked their heads when they became interested in one of the first to notice something was Charles Darwin. raine and horne leichhardt The woman in your face calm, submissive, being a submissive posture exhibit shows that you are interested with.
Body movements: to be in the continuous opening of the hands, eating raine and horne leichhardt her lips, playing with her hair, longer glances, one or two-handed to put on one hip, leg and women who unwittingly preparatory movements, such as turning on the body of a man, a good observer, they give themselves easily.
That lie against our people, that tries to harm us or use of the words you feel emotionally close to the many facial expressions, tone of voice, hand movements, so we understand the short body language. raine and horne leichhardt UCLA (University of California at Los Angeles) Department of Psychology professor Albert Mehrabian, in thinking about the people in his work against individuals as a result of 55% body language says it is effective. Watching the body language and tone of voice 38%. The words that people use against raine and horne leichhardt our impact raine and horne leichhardt on our understanding of that person only 7%. So, how can read the body language of the person raine and horne leichhardt we are? In which case what makes sense in your body?
If you call the people in your Kars, laughed with you, it means you have adopted and accepted.
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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

It is estimated that now 7 billion of the world

This number terry richardson kate moss has probably touched the end of all life, settled in the center perhaps, our social life, economic, sociological and cultural changes caused Smartphones terry richardson kate moss and will talk about the impact that.
It is estimated that now 7 billion of the world's population, the number of smartphones in active use at the end of 2013 exceeded 1 billion terry richardson kate moss [1]. Also in 2014, mobile (smart phone, laptop terry richardson kate moss and other mobile devices), it is predicted that the internet usage of internet use on desktop computers.
In a study conducted in 2012 in the US [2], 5 separated according to different age groups and were asked to use the annual income level, using smart phone. The response as compared to the resulting view; the lowest income terry richardson kate moss levels (<$ 50B / year) phone usage rate of 60% of respondents in the 18-34 age range. Most high (> $ 100B / year) revealed that income terry richardson kate moss level in over 65 years, 42% of respondents use smart phones.
These results come to us without age difference of high-level audience, the young age profile shows that regardless terry richardson kate moss of what smartphone comes with. Another fact is that 18 years revealed by research (smart phone use until the age of 13 dropped [3]) with the possibility of up to 70 years old that everyone uses smart phone.
In another research revealed a remarkable terry richardson kate moss details about the smart phone usage; Technological developments and the fact that the men followed more closely, terry richardson kate moss and paid close attention to technological products. Yes, men more than smart phones but also the number of users the difference between the number of female terry richardson kate moss users is not large enough to stand out. Smart phone users 44% were made up of women. [4]
The studies reveal the fact; young and old, male and female, speak both high-low purchasing power purchasing power of people indiscriminately, as mesajlaşıp, as well as manage your social terry richardson kate moss life, you want to keep track of game play or everyday work. In this world of technology developers to code the modest results in shaping the framework of global change that fact that everyone come to their giants.
Facebook profoundly changed our habits of an element of both virtual and real life. Friends to follow what the people are doing, began to see if the actions they perform and share their lives with the neighborhood. In this case, so we want to share as well as the number of people we want to reach and that I liked "an" s increased continuously.
Smartphones emerged precisely at such a time. People no longer know where they want every moment with the mini computer terry richardson kate moss in hand, what he did was share. Our life into this privileged and do not want to deprive you of the fun changes to use more smartphones terry richardson kate moss joining hands masses, that the further development of social networks has enabled the emergence of new ideas. A win-win situation turned out a kind of supporting each other. terry richardson kate moss As a result, our lives began to flow towards a new direction.
Our living conditions, we tell everyone, especially the impact of the business environment terry richardson kate moss in which we live that life with smart phone, smart phone usage rate in Turkey are still low. Smart phones using the ratio of the total population, the number of users has not yet reached 20%. [5]
However, 2011 - The number of mobile internet users in 2012. In Turkey, 88%, and mobile internet consumption has increased 106%. Also on a personal terry richardson kate moss basis, we see that the mobile Internet consumption increased by 10% a year. The total mobile internet usage of the Internet is used from another data reveal important clues about the future smartphones increased to 55%. These data are important terry richardson kate moss clues for us to have an idea for the future. [6]
It was all a great success to have a combination of portable electronic devices in the 90s. Jeans attached Walkman and enough to be cool to walk with headphones in ear, amateur webcam funny events in the records had been interest in our joke program against TV that no longer observe that they have a camera for people's personal hobby and entertainment we could. Besides the early 90s and again in 2000 typewriter, portable radio, cd player products that make our lives easier, such as took place in our day to day lives.
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Monday, November 24, 2014

Gabrielle Chanel: You know, Sister Maria? Maybe you think you have offended me. But I am very pleas

Development Research and Training Travel News Contact Family Business Life Success Story Future Human Resources Career Chat leadership fashion editors Books Photo Reportage Life Healthy Life Coaching Cultural Activities Dining
Select Month November 2014 October 2014 September 2014 August 2014 July 2014 June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February 2014 January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 August 2013 July 2013 June 2013 May 2013 April 2013 March 2013 February 2013 January 2013 December 2012 November 2012 October 2012 September fashion editors 2012 August 2012 July 2012 June 2012 May 2012 April 2012 March 2012 February 2012 January 2012 December 2011 November 2011 October 2011 September 2011 July 2011 June 2011 May 2011 April 2011 March 2011 February 2011 January 2011 December 2010
In the 20th century they are doing, in terms of life experiences and career impressed me and intriguing parts of a woman who impressed me with the life of Coco Chanel Gabrielle Chanel other known I wanted to share with you.
It all started with a book again In 2010, I received my library; Chanel - like a dream life, Alfonso Signorini's book began to think it would be nice to share this summer fashion editors in my decision to read and when I finished this information. Although even visual communication tools to reach Although our information more easily, (the film must be learned from a person following the information book is more comprehensive and wider.
This book tells you the places fashion editors that impressed me the most, I will try to convey to you. Childhood in the book of life, traumas experienced in that period, the period of youth is located broadly fashion editors about his career and love life.
The fabric is happening in her first meeting with Notre Dame Abbey. Gabriel's mother died after having a portion of his life in the monastery until adolescence. One day Sister Marie wants to give him a big cloth and two white swans working on it. In doing so, reveals his own style and simplifies processing. Results Gabrielle Chanel remains very pleased. Even compared to those taught in the monasteries and around dominating definitely fashion editors realize that much more unique. When finished completing the processing sequence to show the Sister Marie comes and goes like a dialogue between them.
Gabrielle Chanel: You know, Sister Maria? Maybe you think you have offended me. But I am very pleased with what you said to me. If there was laughable, if the host in a little ironic, I think it's not bad. In fact, one of creating something that will entertain Abildimse, I feel better about myself. That's what I say sincerely that there is a feeling that makes you feel good about myself.
Gabrielle fashion editors Chanel: You are probably right nurse. But I'm afraid this will not change much. I know what kind of life I want for myself. And I know that I'm eager to take risks like this.
Later in his designs and creations in the style of Chanel Mademoiselle women only dreamed of clothing that protects the freedom to be more comfortable. He was a dreamer. Was fearless. Was crazy.
During the day you leave the monastery in the next year's planting Madame Desboutins'n home and in the evening trying to Chantant Café. There is the saying "Qui qua vu Coco dans ı'trocadero?" Stays in the mind with the song. When to go to the beginning pleasant "Coco" moniker in the next year as its brand name will be added to the surname. Worldwide should also be recognized as Coco Chanel.
Their talent and inspiration fashion editors sounds coming from inside the boyfriend you notice in the period he lived with Etienne. Although the vast Compiègne Balsan family could live a very comfortable fashion editors life on his farm with Etienne. But inside does not want to stop the sound and decide to pursue. Because Gabrielle Chanel as a person who value their feelings, there is something in itself is starting to feel useless and creating demand continues to increase every day. One day, a conversation between them goes again emphasized his feelings.
Chanel waiting for the response, leaving there. Gabrielle spot, Etienne said "Ridiculous need for" head to head with the word kalıveriy. However, remember when you said the same word in her nun Marie'n fashion editors Notre Dame. Had now been found that prior to the embroidery is ridiculously ridiculous thinking. Coco decides to create the next steps to take in silence and decides to go to Paris. Although fashion editors they do not believe even Etienne says his company could use as a small apartment with her there.
Make hats in different styles and original style that no one is developing almayınca marketing strategy. Making plans to exhibit their hat in the house of an evening with friends in the noble and senior. Succeeds in this plan. Participating in the invitation daughter of Alfred, fashion editors Duke of Kent, the grandson of Queen Victorya Coburg- Saxony-Gotha Princess Victoria Melita wearing his hat design

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Maurice Blanchot language proclaiming the death of the author donna freitas merkezsizleştirerek wor

Maurice Blanchot language proclaiming the death of the author donna freitas merkezsizleştirerek work involved, I think in a philosophical manner to wander as investigating the possibilities of-being outside the limits of language in literature corridor life and literary experience in the perception of our wall we do if we said that a hidden force or too far gone to be considered will create a leak. Derrida's "that great men I admire the attitude" as he saluted, Deleuze's "negotiations" in praise can not help but flat, Foucault's one of the main themes of his thought ('Dehors' -'Dışarı'- thought) this reclusive that reused the text What made it so valuable? I will say that this is unfair to Blanchot's thought to be quick to answer the question at the expense of postwar French thought of the possibility of the themes of his works to be considered in the context of the externality problem acquiring subjectivity is looking to offer some answers.
Blanchot exit point, Saussure's opened a large area in Western thought "is displayed indicating the reason why the bond" can get in the framework of discourse. donna freitas Blanchot, that was established in the structure of how the subject of language donna freitas and represent things without corresponding ones rather than how you want us to express the language of self-representing "talk that the" problem of the moves in the text. The presence of the speaking subject donna freitas here so that it becomes very doubtful. Indicated by showing the things to be a representation of our association's tekabülsüz language tool shows that beyond having a power. Language is actually speak almost grinding itself the subject. The real meaning of representation in our thinking about the world that is out of the impasse imposed by the language of all. As Giorgio Agamben put it, "not months can not predict what awaits him is a primate for the language donna freitas that was lowered into the clutches in its history, the most senior dispositif (power donna freitas unit), perhaps." But Blanchot subject terms to pursue other opportunities to break this nationality is separated from structuralism and contemporary thinkers group classified as post-structuralism (Foucault, Deleuze, Derrida) pointed out that the theoretical route is more harmonized with the most fundamental problem.
Interesting feeling donna freitas to have many readers in Blanchot text comes from Blanchot's Story-conscious efforts to tear from the language. The golden narrative leaving the subject of space voting, using the form to collapse utterances meaning code "death waiting to forget" Blanchot subject of the savior if the reader the author's killer for pre-language, freeing from the confines of language caught on by Story--we now "out" is outputted to represent ineffectuality sea on a stroll. It's the nature of language with their primary means of navigation code may be its ability to reveal the limits of our Story-reserved. Blanchot's writings, Velazquez's "Las Meninas" we find is table or Borges China Encyclopedia coincide with Foucault's response while living in ourselves ... Foucault Borges made entry to the classification of animals in the Chinese Encyclopedia "The Order of Things" that the impact of this classification in his work called describes as: "This is a breath reached the point in the fascination caused by the classification, especially in favor of the stock of a story, something to us referred to as exotic charm of another idea, ours is the limit: this stark impossibility of thinking." reads well in Blanchot's text often mentioned things "naked impossibility of thinking" finds itself in. "Later Eternal donna freitas Recurrence" as an example we can show the work "due to drunkenness saw me as I am" in the sentence out with courageous to have experience leaves the door ajar. Goes beyond the conception of literature as Blanchot living space including a representation of the subject of the language we believe certain limits imposed düşünümsellikl possible moves beyond the vital practical possibility. donna freitas Life outside the absurd can achieve the remaining habitat in Blanchot donna freitas what this would feel like scattering and diffusion may create opportunities. The act of writing the words of Deleuze Blanchot "memories of the journey of love and grief, dreams donna freitas and tell them fantasma" showed that. In a real sense of the literary "creation" meant to be felt in Blanchot's work. Beckett and Artaud can come across examples of this "yazarsız writing" in the form of the presence of the subject becomes increasingly felt. Subject in Blanchot, Foucault's "Discourse Order" titled show stated in the first paragraph of the opening speech is so settled in space representing a contingent area within shows the coherence and the subject "discourse on the ground that the person caused by him, the randomness of it goes round a weak space possible in the dissolvent end point "becomes. By Blanchot Foucault's words, "I think" and "I speak" of distinguishing between "outward

Auspicious bumpy as the process in the sense of nature. Such a way that oscillates between hope des

30 years, 40 thousand dead after hundreds of war stories Turkey, Kurds are trying to finish the problem. The expectations of the process of Turkey's Kurdish regions of high concern. francois halard Most are still close to those in the mountains.
2013 for the Kurds in Turkey, began on January 3. That day, the first time two Kurdish politician Ahmet Turk and Ayla Akat Ata met with PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan in Imrali Prison. But more importantly, francois halard the day it happened about two and a half months after the day of Nowruz. francois halard Nowruz in Diyarbakir Square on March 21, hundreds of thousands of people listen to the letter sent by Abdullah Ocalan. Öcalan "Now shut up weapons, fall outside the bounds of our armed forces. This is the end but the beginning of a new process. "He said. People of the city at the center of a 30-year conflict could hear the call to a new beginning. 75-year-old Auspicious Dogan he was challenged. Lost two of his three sons in the mountains women was associated with countrymen who have similar stories. This time was different, this time was the owner of the Ocalan.
The Kurdish problem is still the most serious problem to be solved in Turkey. 30 years, 40 thousand people died. 76-year-old Auspicious nature between the two sons died. The uncertain fate of another son. (Güray Ervin / Al Jazeera)
"I did not believe it before. francois halard Because the government says peace, saying something different the next. Again I say it is. I believe Ocalan mention. Then I thought it would comfort. I thought everyone would return to the village. I think the future of peace. "
Different from life in Diyarbakir last few years old. Most hard days but stands traces left behind. "We saw a lot of pressure. Every day at five in the morning alarm door, the police came and 'What are you doing Terrorist mother?' they would say. They were constantly asking children. I did not sleep anymore, I was expecting to be made to sit on my bed home raids. They distribute the house, dumped break ... Again there was a day of action, there was a press release. Police arrived everyone jumped off the wall I could not jump. There they hit me very, very dear burned. But they never hit when they come home. Now it is not. No pressure now. I ride like I wanted the party (he means the Peace and Democracy Party) I'm going to rally. "
Auspicious francois halard days which he was hospitalized nature, the Kurds were the most severe time trouble. 1990 was the hardness period. 2000s when the bride was now clear that the vaccination issue with the security measures.
Since the early days of 2013, Ocalan is done in direct and open conversation. The start of negotiations in the region has created great excitement, but 'cause of concern for many Kurds Solutions continues to be as fast as the process began. (Güray francois halard Ervin / Al Jazeera)
August 12, 2005 he signed a policy of Turkey's prime minister and put the name of the problem. Diyarbakir, a TOKI (Housing Development Administration of the Department) at the opening of the "Kurdish problem is not a part of this nation is the problem of all. And I'm the problem. "He said. Erdogan came to the continuation of the words. francois halard 2009 Late July - early August 'Kurdish initiative' or later Ankara's preferred form 'democratic opening' began. At the same time, MIT (National Intelligence Organization) with the PKK, was conducting secret negotiations in Norway's capital Oslo. On October 19, 2009 a group of PKK down from the mountain Ocalan's francois halard instructions and debuted Habur to surrender. Their enthusiasm for the arrival of the Kurds, Turkey was the possible cause of anger inside of the west. PKK air victory was greeted with the bus. Images francois halard created troubles for the government.
14 July 13 ended process with the Silvan attack soldiers died in 2011. Once more feelings of uncertainty prevailing in the region. Place in the first days of 2013, the uncertainty still hope left. Again he returned to the table. This time it was discussed directly with Öcalan. Moreover, negotiations did not hide this time. Solution once again raise the excitement. But a few months later, the picture began to change. Kandil, "the government is not doing its part." He stopped the withdrawal from the PKK in Turkey. Ocalan negotiations began to stall. francois halard The government, 'democratization package' was not satisfied with the Kurdish front. Process ends headlines watched over each other. As the process began last year did not go fast, but to no sooner ended.
Auspicious bumpy as the process in the sense of nature. Such a way that oscillates between hope despair. "The process was not as we expected. When they read the message on Nowruz 'We have a lot of what he said, but we have to comply with Ocalan,' I said to myself. It was so. We want our language. We have the freedom Apon, we have the freedom to villages, those in prison amnesty, but we have not done any of this. Organizations are drawn, but they continue to patrol. " francois halard
Patrol the eerie memories created in his mind. "As francois halard my son Fahrettin francois halard smart, brave man is not in the world. Not afraid of anyone. The street where they could not keep our house as his fear. But it was a mama's boy at home. Word was out of my predicament. Returning from a soldier fahrettin

Saturday, November 22, 2014

produced by the company in question microchıps chip can communicate an authorized external device i

A microchip EVEN: Controlled Drug Release | Open Science - Science Monthly Online Magazine
I consider it one of the smallest technological tools in our lives. For example, a memory card. This card can handle what is it that prevents you from moving under your skin? Probably is that it is extremely unnecessary. What is a chip of the same size, if you need to take a drug bears all the time? Last month someone mentioned RFID microchip and demonstrating that we accept the other slice of a slice of the pie are also controversial media microchip drug delivery.
Unfortunately, in our country and in the world that requires the use of continuous diseases such as diabetes medication available. On the other hand, a person can also affect healthy body cells with cells taken from patients in treatment, such as chemotherapy drugs are quite hard. The two main problems that one focus of drug targets in the body, distribution, timing, or konroll approach that aims to control body beauty coffee the dose of drug release is known. Controlled drug release large working area, so just talk about the main points in this article, we will focus on a method of microchip-controlled drug release.
Where drugs are taken orally by conventional methods or when injected into a vein before the amount of drug in the body rises and then drops rapidly. This is because the metabolism of drugs are various reasons such as fragmentation. There is some range of each drug to be effective in the body, this amount is more or less wasted both drugs given in the amount used from both can cause side effects. Therefore, this range is sufficiently controlled drug approach, unlike body beauty coffee conventional approaches is not shown, the amount of drug in the body, increasing the sensitivity and the possibility of keeping body beauty coffee a treatment more precisely, these domains provide both drug consumption. In addition, the drug is expected to show effects in the body in a particular region. For example, a receptor found only in liver cells (receptors) in the structure to interact with drugs, without the side effects of other healthy cells in the body will be providing targeted therapy.
And storage of drugs in microchip technology advances in materials science and of these drugs in the body realizes dream with the release of extraneous signals. In 2012, the first successful human trials in this area was published in the journal Science Translational Medicine body beauty coffee (Farrar body beauty coffee et al, 2012). According to the article post-menopausal osteoporosis (osteoporosis) in women who live 8 days 20 different drug release within body beauty coffee 4 months was a microchip implant. Microchips comprising human parathyroid hormone was inserted under local anesthesia into each woman's abdomen and the result of experiments showed an increase in bone mass. This article also does not affect the daily quality of life of subjects and they sometimes forget the presence of the chip is also mentioned in this process. The chips are placed at the end of the experiment were recovered by a simple surgical procedure.
The most effective treatment is the human form of anabolic bone resorption of parathyroid hormone injected daily. Experiment result in an increase in bone mineral density, but this disease can be achieved by focusing on the regular drug intake.
produced by the company in question microchıps chip can communicate an authorized external device in its own frequency in the three-meter distance, and thus can be done wirelessly or immediate release timing adjustment. In addition, the sensor data can be found in the feedback. There are 20 micro-reservoir on platinum and sealed with a membrane made of titanium. This electric current is applied to the membrane by dissolving the titanium compound enables the drug reservoir to be out. One of the devices is in contact with the tissue concerned will melt titanium negative effects. Device containing 0.25 mg of titanium body beauty coffee per chamber passes body beauty coffee through the biocompatibility testing prior to human trials have taken note.
We have talked about a concrete equipment has had a successful human experiment. But perhaps the candidate microchip approach to be the most useful of implantable technology means new horizons for every successful man is not as we know it and a newborn baby. Let's take a little more from the beginning. Drug delivery microchip called biyomems biological microelectromechanical systems body beauty coffee is a result of the application. There are nearly 50-year history and basic viewpoint in this area dating back to the pregnancy test device is pretty simple: electronic, mechanical parts and the microfabrication of the product make it suitable for biological applications. Previously dealt with a series of articles that Bahadir Ürkmez'in body beauty coffee the "Miniature Laboratories" is directly related to these systems.
Convenience: Write as mentioned at the beginning of drugs may need to take medication every other day to maintain the effective value in the body and it requires the patient to constantly go to the hospital in some cases. A device that stores inside the body can eliminate the need for medication.
Obedience: purchase of medicines

Friday, November 21, 2014

Sometimes sometimes penned themselves prepared in the form of interviews with the director about te

Fevzi Tuna, with periodization Onaran Sheriff's Scholars in Turkish cinema [i], between the years 1963-1980 New Turkish Cinema is one of the middle generation of directors. Yet in 1964, the first film directed by the age of 24 who love to Susan and the name and directed by Forbidden Street in 1965 with great success to be talked qualifying child. Twenty manages five films and eighty-eight of the TV series, the Istanbul Film Festival in 2010. Cinema oz mall Honor Award field Fevzi Tuna, especially Angry soil made from Turkish literature (1973), Passion (1984), Kuyucaklı Yusuf (1985) oz mall is renowned as adaptations. About a well managed by Fevzi Çetin Tunca Danube Cinema oz mall in Social Criticism (2009) is a documentary called
Sometimes sometimes penned themselves prepared in the form of interviews with the director about ten autobiographical books, film history and the fact that countries are an important source about the history of parallel manner. Each film was a test, the Feyz born in 1939, begins with Turner's childhood and family. Sökel is the smallest member of a Circassian family of five children. Family History Institute of the Republic of Turkey Tuna family located in the encyclopedia is also one of the family. Director, Circassians "he spoke little of women, male domination in the" family meal from, the largest of the small "how are you" oz mall even asks if he speaks in detail of the rituals are met shame. Tuna in her youth, only to watch our movie theater against a passion to reduce oz mall a log way off from Izmir to Istanbul. In order to work together for the sake of cinema love to go to the door at six in the morning to wait Refiğ'l Khaled, Semih Evin from morning till evening to make a fiction film taken by every day to klaketsiz and unscripted film will be followed by five thousand feet. This process eventually use Semih Evin launched his own fiction and "I did it to say you" des, there will be something lost from the Danube cinema determination. Just a year before taking his first film in 1963 in a year that began cinema oz mall and works on set is an assistant makes and fiction writer. It is very good of course, like most of the middle generation of filmmakers cinephile. Writing within five days of a film has a terrific memory of the film will be introduced as needed. Alive Kemal Erdogan wrote scenarios for Tokatlı pulls itself with the proposal alive. Be the living expression with the guy pulling it already knows. Mamdouh's films of the 'second director ", as mentioned, then pulled the night scene in the period oz mall after a short period of Desire Movie And the film works with long Turgut Demirağ.
When we look at the most important case against us briefly define the term given to the works of the Danube, in the form of systematic relentless Turkey will never happen again in the history of cinema or even that there is a sector oz mall employees. Young wage is possible to buy a house taken from a movie. Baghdad Street, Beyoglu; today's Garanti Bank, Demirören those displaced commercial buildings, Arzu Film, Film And, Erman Film, Ugur Film, Text, Movie, Film Mine has as many years of office, standing oz mall in the company. Entered destined Cakir thirty-seven new directors to transfer movies between 1960-1965 According to Aydın was taken two thousand four movies oz mall between 1960-1970. Turkey in 1966, the fourth year the world will produce two hundred thirty-eight films. However, these figures are much less does not indicate a positive situation, because a year, the capacity to produce up to fifty film industry, this high tempo runs, emerging theater, as indicated by Cakir Intellectuals "looting" [ii] becomes the cinema. Fevzi Tuna, Dilara oz mall in an interview with their Balci, two thousand four decades he shot the film reveals in detail the conditions under which such a term made cinema insights. We see that almost happened because of a shortage of subject matter oz mall density in the manufacturing sector. Popular American travels oz mall from ear to ear and adaptation scenarios summaries of movies made from these films are very popular. Oil-rich characters in American films in Turkey comes forth as a network version or a French film starring Alain Delon from ear to ear with stories oz mall circulating Single Lead (1968) is uyarlanıver by name. Tuna this enlightened era "was a test of each film," he summarizes, when the film business as a director pulled out of the market to make the directors will remain unemployed briefly taken for granted.
Also manages commercial and avant comedy films with the 1970s. Period of "star directors" Orhan Aksoy, Lutfi Akad and referenced Yilmaz. Each film in a movie more than a month while the Orhan Aksoy for his work constitutes the Danube may draw ten days later when this issue. In 1973, Ezo Gelin 'i manages Angry soil immediately after the film. Osman Şahin, who was the first director of the Danube to the cinema, the cinema difference in them. Danube oz mall at the end of this period, which can make your own movies, she can pay royalties to the brief history of elections in which he wants to buy

Human being in communication with itself, with its own speech; By concentrating on the inner world

Haluk Yavuz, his work with children and adolescent psychology and is known for the books he wrote this work. In this article we, "healthy communication" e değinip, Haluk Yavuzer child and adolescent psychology training clara barton elementary taking tricks pointed out that in the field will talk about the importance of family in child rearing. Ahead of Yavuzer, "The Marriage School" is useful to draw attention to the book. Because Yavuzer's, he edited "Marriage School" book, individuals in the process he spent up to the institution of the family stage of the marriage process, the relations with each other, we need to emphasize that also affect the relationship with the future child. Yavuz, "Marriage School" book, about the marriage of young people to the island and married life, marital and relationship articles states that in order to increase awareness and awareness.
Marriage School Project: "Healthy communication model" 27 cities 17,000 held with the participation of the parents, "Marriage Schools" project, Istanbul University. Hasan Ali Yücel Education Fak. in the pilot study was carried out through the application; training was conducted in a book edited by Haluk Yavuzer. The aim of this project is Yavuzer marriage candidate's statement with young people, increasing the level of awareness and consciousness about the marriage relationship and the lives of married clara barton elementary individuals; The development of peer to peer communication skills, problem-solving point of spouses, to build a healthy communication with each other. First, what it means to communicate, how that could happen clara barton elementary topic of healthy clara barton elementary communication between spouses and children among themselves, clara barton elementary let's open. Because of the fundamental problems in everything we say happiness until the solution "have healthy communication" is the motto of. Read the following words Hadley, the tragedy of the communication age we live reveals: "We have developed systems to communicate with the human Aya. In contrast with the often mother and daughter, father with his son, black white, the employer and the worker, Communism and democracy do not agree ... "
Communication in psychology "to mutual transmission" means. My mutual message must consist of conditions for the realization of the communication. For the realization clara barton elementary of communication, source (transmitting information) and target clara barton elementary (information review) should be in the same environment. The message is trying all of the events around the receiver and transmitter clara barton elementary triangle. On the basis of healthy communication involving a combination of receiver and transmitter of "body language" is found. Also called body language to body language; perceptions and attitudes has become the habit of hearing and sight styles. Sensual, intellectual, emotional or social get all behavior can become thoroughly learned and habits can lead to mold attitudes. These are connected to each other subjective, individual codes that serve to express our emotions, the results of human behavior and movement are important. Lord Chesterfield, they can hear each other without the need for words of mature spirit, able to negotiate, or even talk to indicate that they can share. Healthy communication is a basic requirement, we can say the find similar images of people across the world is intertwined clara barton elementary with the human world. This way, it is essential to be in touch with their own people.
Human being in communication with itself, with its own speech; By concentrating on the inner world of "I" begins with the find. Communicates with people in the first centuries of smoke smoldering fire hieroglyphics is told that communicate between each other. I see it as the first ages of the ages of the most commonly used body language. Because the people who come to live together, communicating with body language at the peak of the communication, they could deal with body language. Agreed that we are able to able to come to these days of those days, is not it? Today, while numerous clara barton elementary virtual or real or verbal communication tool, people become more incomprehensible news that between clara barton elementary them they could hear and see every day. Perhaps the growing distance between the people of the world gets smaller; If we look from this perspective is a classic critique of modernization (yes, this approach clara barton elementary was stereotyping) whether we will emerge from the work criticizing modernity, but modernity is perhaps the most important of the lower-upper that side of our lives "communication" i speak, my communication should not be forgotten also that corresponded to what our lives. Communicate with the development of the Internet world and the continuing increase in life where people learn of the internet, can now be done in a much different way. Communication clara barton elementary methods evolve, different procedures can be performed in a different communication. In our age, particularly in communication with widespread social network, communication in our lives much more able to move to different clara barton elementary positions. People are now much more comfortable with each other and be able to communicate quickly provide tools evolve, it becomes more difficult to communicate clara barton elementary though. Every day, she meets a top model of the technological tools of advertising, that part of the world

Thursday, November 20, 2014

My second book,

Genuine, friendly, natural, and open a cheerful woman oral Nilgün Belgün ... even when you're getting so much pleasure from Human interview to chat with her. There are many projects on behalf of women. Idol of young girls ... How life is so beautiful describing the line does not neglect to give them some tips on how happy I would be. Life lives only in their own right, if you can, what you want is doing it, and most importantly loves life Nilgün Belgün ... We met in Nişantaşı and so we plunged into a pleasant conversation, the reading you are sure to get you more pleasure.
Life, I love life and people. I look at life so beautiful. Once a very important and have a career that I love. Perhaps it stems from my joy. And I suppose it comes from my family, we have our genes. I look like my mother. My mother was a woman like that. Friendly, enjoy life believing that everything is facing a resort, it was a very positive woman. I look at his life as positive.
Love of theater is a cultural fact. Of course there is a kültürsüzlük in Turkey's infrastructure. danoz Turkey only Istanbul, Izmir, Ankara ... a lot not only about our city, our town, our village. From this perspective I do not think enough of course the advent of theater culture. Games are played at the State Theatre. We're trying to take our private theaters in other cities that culture. This is somewhat related to the economic situation for many people theater May Not Be ... aside a budget. But somehow my mother took me to the theater in my childhood, how I adopt the theater if I loved my childhood, mothers say they should take their children to the theater, that are formed from childhood love of theater and culture. Children need to show the art. Because art, covering the ugliness of life, people happy is the only thing. If art in a society that society is unhappy. If his art so much attention to what people themselves danoz and would be much better spirits.
I find it extremely successful young players. We have a very talented player. danoz But the most drama series dealing with many of these talented players. Because they earn very good money in the series. Theatre are doing it for more pleasure. danoz Theatre is an art that brings a lot financially, but very lofty art. For example, I can not tiyatrosuz. I would be unhappy if they tiyatrosuz me and all of Istanbul. For me, theater is very important. I earn money from the series, I can make money by making television danoz programs, but it has given me enjoy the theater, I can not find the good side of my soul from nowhere.
Because the theater, an art that I do with people. And life by touching them, you play the game according to their breathing. Eye're looking at the eyes, not like a television screen in search. Everything is real and immediate return. You're playing with a sense to the audience. This is a very important thing. Without the audience in the theater, not theater. The presence in the audience of the theater is very important.
"Inside the Women-Love and Comedy" is a book I have. I told all my memories and my life in this book. "With Love and Comedy Nilgün Belgün" Is there such a representation. Two years blockbuster is playing. I pair the book with this show too. Single Woman Show a show or we can say it. Well, I sing, I dance, I told both my life. Finally, I cry. Because there is in life to laugh and cry.
My second book, "You are my life." This is a very important book. That there should be a woman in Turkey, I reflect on how this book. Young girls they see me as idol. This book is my gift to all young girls.
Elizabeth Taylor, had a book of world stars like Audrey Hepburn. I thought this should be in Turkey. After saying goodbye to the life of an artist, "How was a player, how was a woman, what was the world view?" You need to know them. For this, I am in favor of a book that's all. This book is a book written with such an idea. According to many people I'm different. For others who do not live life, life, living only for its ...
In fact, I want to write a book about a woman of any age. That one day I will write in the future. Different because a woman 18 years, 20 years different, different 30-year-old, 40 years old different. Every year there are differences in various dimensions woman ... Every year, it feels to think of different emotions. Women, more than men complex creature. Men are always logical, but women are more curved flat. That the women of all ages, all emotions, how you feel, I want to write a book about how to live.
Istanbul is a privilege, but to become more Büyükada is another privilege. I'm born-growth Büyükadalıy both real Istanbulite. I do not know another city. Islander mother's daughter. So this means that I'm the daughter of a woman who is very modern and free. My mother was the first female registrar in Turkey. I grew up in a very beautiful mosaic in Buyukada. Greeks, danoz Armenians, Jews, Turks, danoz we all live together. Nobody marginalize anyone not

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

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Istanbul is not exactly a girl you think friends? Yazdırıyo behalf of poems, books devirttiriyo, even to me that any human pictures çizdirtiyo. I have a sore throat, for instance, yummy. I asked how many girls have you seen the exquisite throat? So please let us know the value of this beautiful city. Koklayal bi bother smelling flower is not unchartered place to go to. He will be sick if you were offended by the way a day in traffic in this city. Most deserves because at that time. Pataklamalık a complete donkey going until the water was my İstanbul'c payitaht universe.
Recent Posts Eighth Issue of our magazine girl talk new album with you 'YELLOW' WINNERS ANNOUNCED IMAGES reads mailings / 3. Number of Stories Past Tense - 2 of CHEST İSTANBULC Recent Reviews Contact Chat necessary. Chat to us Merve needed. Chat to us hacer needed. Chat to us gozlukluf needed. Chat to us gozlukluf needed. For Beyzade U.
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Articles ... November 9, 2014 | Piers: Issue 10 November 9, 2014 | Immortality's Shadow (IV. Section) November 9, 2014 | Professional November 9, 2014 | Bertolt Brecht November nova tv hr dnevnik 9, 2014 | Incoming Calamity November 9, 2014 | One Two Three November nova tv hr dnevnik 9, 2014 | Writing Equals Not Bitter November 9, 2014 | In / sec You November 9, 2014 | Mental Reflection on 9 November nova tv hr dnevnik 2014 | Forever Flowing Lines MENU Home Piers Numbers Crew Text Types Desires Falls Trial Continuous Story Corner Story Poem Fotoka Books Book Reviews New Releases Theatre nova tv hr dnevnik Theatre nova tv hr dnevnik Review nova tv hr dnevnik Cinema Movie Reviews
"There are numerous types of society" a person who provides the premise, does it actually led the first question to be considered on society. So, if there is diversity in any case, we must distinguish that diversity based on certain criteria. This classification format, visually, we usually depicted with a woman holding a pair of scales in his hand to empty. Blindfolded, nova tv hr dnevnik knife in one hand and the other hand on a woman with a blank scales, you may want to tell you what to that?
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Serkan ÜSTÜNDAĞ was born in 1989 in Üsküdar. He completed his elementary and high school years Feneryolu. During those years, countless essays, poems, lyrics and quotations was work. Although still in their archives hold is that many people share these records. If the college years spent in Trabzon. During those years turned to music. Turkish Folk music career began with a long handle linking continued doing vocals in the chorus. After leaving the THMs in the started playing the guitar. The pass close to the popular music, more "roborock" began with compositions close to the species. He continued his music career just by playing their own songs. Life after he returned to Istanbul University and completed his studies in English language. Soon after that unlock Üstündağ postpone military service, fulfilled his military service in Artvin. After returning from the army, the began to work in the marketing industry. He stepped into the world of Folklore in the same year. Yeditepe Folklore and folklore began his career in the Education Center continues nova tv hr dnevnik today. When isolated from the marketing industry, machinery nova tv hr dnevnik industry has passed. Instead of having the engineering profession in this sector, working as an export manager nova tv hr dnevnik continues his life. While continuing his working life, first project of "Lie Loneliness" was brought to life. Related Topics Piers: 10 Professional Delegate Count
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Cicilie Idris (Part II)
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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

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Drop a neurotic character thing, melancholy shake each side of me, I installed nostalgic opening Zeki Muren. Towards the end I would like maybe a superb writer - so be unlikely, I dreamed of peace over there dear allaallah- but it will not help much my love and me. We see here today, God bless uterine matt horne twitter fibroids, wonder what tomorrow? That is why I sit right at home on my professor-and I promised I would work on my articles - my precious time I'm trying to please myself. Yes, I am trying to please myself, and I'm going pretty good. The interesting side more consistently unhappy to be the biggest problem of a sudden my mind was fluttering pamper me to be unhappy. Continuing what that girl says even happier if I did though. I draw your attention alone; it did not escape the problems. On the contrary, I'm going on my own problems by donating myself to them. Your problem is to subject yourself to blame yourself like I always wait a spectacular performance did not come after a good solution. Let yourself already, matt horne twitter please disregard my suggestions on finding this gorgeous, you do not need this more ego explosion in the world.
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What did you see? Madame Madame Tutu Tutu tells tales read also read Madame Madame Tutu Tutu was now noticed Diary of Madame Tutu stories from the last dash'd Kundera Jokes: not laugh this time. July 31, 2014 The most important lesson I April 18, 2014 that would daisy navy March 25, 2014 Madame Tutu was the last read?
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Children pursued him

12 September 1980. The junta country, the knowledge and experience, the future and hope it confiscated date. New exploitation plans are planned in the ruling classes and imperialism in favor of the junta-US cooperation for this country ... 24 January 1980 but received public opposition because of unimplemented "neo-liberal market" new forms of exploitation of well known by the name ... the market is unregulated, into a rambling wild exploitation area bullying blocking all channels where you can breathe the community to bring ... in the context of social engineering before looting of the country all the cells, the stabilization of land held for making prints, murder and intimidation operation ...
September 12: Towards morning hours 03:00 to TSK statement was read on the radio: "Turkish marcus piggott Armed Forces hand in hand with the Civil Service Law of tweaking the Republic of Turkey marcus piggott to protecting and safeguarding tasks lofty took the decision to meet the Turkish nation in the name of order and within the chain of command and orders to and the country has put entirely into the hands of management. "Time 05:30 Demirel, Ecevit and Erbakan Chief of Staff wrote in a communiqué sent by the signature:" marcus piggott TSK management was confiscated. You defunct government has declined to parliament membership. Carefully follow the instructions that the officer's warning. "
September 13: Kenan Evren, the head of the junta, assumed the presidency marcus piggott of the ruling class in applause and political party leaders do not even have the courage enough to defend marcus piggott the parliament has been sent to military facilities. / 13 September newspaper headlines were as follows: Hurriyet "continue on the path Lincoln," Translator "The new constitution was forced hazırlanacak- Army" Milliyet "Everybody helped marcus piggott the new administration," The Republic "The main objective of Ataturk"
September 14: The Confederation of Revolutionary Workers' Unions martial law commanders and managers to "surrender" marcus piggott call was made. / Martial Law was appointed commander of the region. / Turkish Aeronautical Association and banned the activities of the association other than the Child Protection Agency. / Police were given orders to the gendarmerie.
September 15: All strikes and lockouts marcus piggott have been removed and workers have made it mandatory on the job. / Elected mayors were appointed soldiers fired on the spot. / Unions were confiscated bank accounts. / Union executives began to surrender to the call by u.
September 19: Serdar marcus piggott SOYERGİN Martial Law Court in the trial for allegedly marcus piggott killing a majors were sentenced to death in a single trial. Captured wounded on September 14, cems when dragged to the back of the foot connecting marcus piggott the city, was accused marcus piggott of killing Major Tank Bulent Angie. Only been questioned by torture within 42 days, the preliminary investigation was made, the indictment was prepared, were brought to court, was sentenced to death, judgment and the Supreme marcus piggott Military Court and the junta government as well as the National Security Council approved, the decision was published in the Official Gazette and was executed in Adana prison on 26 October . / Law No. 1402, the martial law commander reorganized in such a way that all public employees to dismiss unjustified.
September 30: National marcus piggott Security Council, has accepted the new government's program in Bulent Ulusu. The program; 1961 Constitution of the rights and freedom in society "much" and that it is therefore prepared a new constitution; administration to provide power to take extraordinary measures "Emergency Law" will be removed; marcus piggott certainly to prevent the association of political involvement; Collective Bargaining Agreement for the maintenance of peace studies, Strike and Lockout Act, Trade Unions Act and there were phrases like swiftly to change the Labour Code.
Continued to fall foliage calendar year has changed, but September 12th, Turkey has collapsed like a nightmare on the. The rest have to go abroad as a political exile, removed from citizenship, labeled a, detained, work to the end, given the thousands of years spent in prison is not human; Even if you only commemorate those who lost their lives reveal the extent of this nightmare: death is 50 people, prisons hunger marcus piggott strike as a result of the loss of life of 14 people "suspected" of 300 people who died in such a way, as evidenced by the certificates torture 171 people ... And the torture he somehow survived but saw throughout the life of thousands of people bearing the traces ...
Cemil Kırbayır, marcus piggott Turan Robust, Mahmut Kaya, Korkmaz fasting, Hayrettin Eren, Suleyman Cihan, Nurettin Seven Lakes, Osman Mehmet marcus piggott Önsoy, Maksut crested, Genghis Aksakal, John Long, Ansar Karahan, Ali Akbar Heart, Fehmi Özarslan, Mehmet Ceren, Heaven miller, Bekir Vineyard, Rafet Iron, Hasan Alemlioğl Mehmet Kazgan, Alice Copper, Behcet marcus piggott Dinlerer, Saitama Lightning, Behzat oven, Ataman marcus piggott Thin, Abdulkadir Tap, Ahmet Demir, Ekrem Sour and "lost custody" and hundreds more we do not know the slain name ...
Eye of the elderly family "He hanged himself," they said, "jumped out the window", "died of lung failure," "heart stopped" ... they did not want to show. The reason was not signs of torture, the military junta somehow appropriate physicians wrote reports; shattered skulls were forced to hide, have become utterly unrecognizable marcus piggott bodies, lime lime pieces was've been ...
Children pursued him

Monday, November 17, 2014

Susan Brownmiller even though he was on the front foot to the emergence of real rape victims is not

"We need to answer everyone's questions openly: Have you ever passed you raped?" Sexual Bullying: rape cases in his book The History of Susan Brownmiller begins his book with these words. What is hidden in an environment where the majority of rape who raped unfortunately they can not even answer this question. As events in Pervari in 2010, the girls have been abused, the photos taken during celia amoros the event did not even tell his family under threat at the beginning of the event will be shown to all; One of the two ultimately, the rape and murder of two children in the other three years of one of them, the other was realized a series of events that resulted in the injury. Can we expect more in an environment deemed guilty of raped?
Susan Brownmiller even though he was on the front foot to the emergence of real rape victims is not a rape victim. Hundreds celia amoros of women appeared and there was a huge movement against rape. Because it was one that recognizes that mean that the transition raped all the women raped a woman. Which led to the birth was not only a feminist movement. But the move would lead to women. They exhibit the courage to live openly putting forward women experience pain, they show that the solution of the problems in their own hands. Located at the rape occurred, everyone who witnessed it, especially women exhibit a clear stance in the face of these events were in the situation anymore. celia amoros People have got to realize that the event should not be deducted celia amoros into the trap of wanting to close the superior mentality. The Rape should be emphasized clearly that rape is one of humanity's dark side.
"The historical origins of Rape, 365 days 24 hours out of the request based on the hundreds of male domination of women's ready-to-male sexual relations with him years to enter into relationships reveals the request. celia amoros Considering the weakness of men as compared to women of physics shows how much is left defenseless in the face of female to male. Rape is a non-event as opposed to the possibility of retaliation or tit for tat event from other events. The difference celia amoros in the woman's anatomy makes it impossible for it to be brought under the domination by another male in the woman's fellow Dad, siblings, relatives eliminates also the ground of solidarity with etc.- woman's fellow man. "This is such an article on women in some cultures, celia amoros even the goods to be regarded as a plugin will result. Sanctification celia amoros of the institution of marriage, virginity taken under the supervision and protection of women, the female to male dominance own heart will establish celia amoros a "private space" is created. Especially in agrarian societies virgin woman, prepared for man, the divine law with secured private media, the conversion of farm land untouched subjected to a similar process. Soil is to be driven. Industrial society deems unfavorable treatment but will vary exponentially in the position of women will spread to alarming degree. Women, while maintaining a jam in the family's hard shell is lost between the wheels at the same time in the industry.
Although the 19th century, a period in which rationalism celia amoros and reach the top of the developments in the scientific field, is a century observed increase in incidents of violence and rape against women. With the development of industrialization particularly exploitation of women and children began to labor. celia amoros The study of women workers continue to live under bad conditions remain exposed to oppression at home next to a heavy load. Victor Hugo's timeless work Miserables' Fantin example is the situation celia amoros in the open. Fantin, Felix The son of a bourgeois family of origin: Upcoming celia amoros sanmıştır- them with a love that becomes pregnant as a result of violent attacks, eliminating Felix lost. Fantin, hidden as Cosette gives the name to the girl brought to the world. Must work to enlarge the child; also out of wedlock should be known by any person in that child. Therefore, let the child live with a family in another city. Also makes provision for payment to the family. One day as a child of the marriage rumors begin to circulate celia amoros among employees Fantin off at the factory. Hearing this, the foreman bucket celia amoros Fantin business woman. celia amoros Fanta's not allowed to work in another place. Is raped by the owner of the room where, falling into the streets, the street continues to rape. To rape her until she met normal, celia amoros it is time to punish Fantin gentleman instead of insulting the police catch the rapist.
In short, the women start working in the industry does not bring the gain autonomy. 19 th -century socialist ideologies of women because they look at it more just because the class was to draw attention to social problems enough problems stemming from being a woman. Marx-Engels thinkers such as Proudhon did not stop even with a precision that should be on this issue. Female authors address the problem areas Marxist August Bebel, this is so

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Maybe we will issue a full under cool, relying primarily was perhaps oxygen magazine recipes like t

Maybe we will issue a full under cool, relying primarily was perhaps oxygen magazine recipes like to have a rest ... But then we park parks, oxygen magazine recipes our streets can meet in each other, there were areas where we can share the word. We were resting and listening anymore. Re-start the tradition of making the forum more days of sightseeing trip forums and forums in the park, still ongoing in the area.
Yoğurtçu Women's Forum in which he has since continued, the longest-running forum. Aysin Eyre, Ayfer Saki and Gökşen Ayvaz'l both the story of the woman Yoğurtçu forum, as well as other forums are not together, the differences in the methods of organization, we talked about the possibilities it provides.
- Just when it was actually my first question. So listen to a story where the organization when you started, how did you come together, such a hierarchical did have the leading organization? Rather oxygen magazine recipes hierarchical, should not I tell him, you know what they were prominent figures, how much was their background and how did you Budakl such branching? That's my first question.
Ayfer Saki - We already had our first tent as women ... Travel Park. LArlAydIk feminist, feminists oxygen magazine recipes actually not all women were coming there. Of course all women feminists from the Trips Park, and come to the tent when I saw purple. There had already begun, as a separate women on the cruise process we had a tent us, then he, after exiting the trip, what we experience as women are more even ... in Tours process exiting, positive and negative, so like them to talk, before MFC Page (Istanbul Feminist Collective) as call we've done.
Ayse's Eyre - Yoğurtçu Women's Forum of SFC with no bond with what what MFC Page. The first call was made as MFC Page, because MFC Page already a common platform of independent feminist in Istanbul. No organization or no representation. Therefore, such a call was made but later on we're just Yoğurtçu Women's Forum ... Now, here we do not know what MFC Page SFC what we have as a completely independent organization and forum.
The first outlet, the Travel Tent, women who work together in the tent where he mentioned oxygen magazine recipes also that the Ayferi They wanted to continue later. How do we get to the woman, what can we do, how we can talk about our problems and how we can come together ... The idea of such a forum already came out and called it the tent was made in this way. Then he shared oxygen magazine recipes in social oxygen magazine recipes media, and we did the first meeting of the Yoğurtçu Park on June 26 with the women who participate oxygen magazine recipes in it.
Both in the European side and the Asian side, one one of those in Macka Park Yoğurtçu that in the call was made. Macka I think the team gathered in the park after several meetings became collected. After a while Macka Women's Forum, I do not know how it was his to detail, we heard was not collected.
Gökşen Ayvaz - But here Yoğurtçu continued with the energy of women forum really attendees. So every week since June 26 we have just looking for a week ... I think we have a break three times in the feast.
Ayfer Saki - we're not looking three times, work holidays, such as Christmas. Apart from that we start every Wednesday at 7 pm in the forum. 9a, sometimes lasted up to 10. In this way our meeting since June 26 continues. In the summer the park were doing it, but of course the weather cools, so we're probably still indoors but soon we moved to the park.
Ayse's Eyre - You're going for a week so surprised that a lot of new people, oxygen magazine recipes women come, women fifty percent ... we've never seen him again next week ... That is not always the same faces. It's the same faces for a year, but other than that there are different faces.
So wick first ignited oxygen magazine recipes in fact the feeling of women in the trip was the tent where he founded the women come from different places, forums began to women as said Ayferi in his then they want to take part in the forum, had two legs, Macka and Yoğurtçu. Yoğurtçu goes really stable since then ...
Gökşen Ayvaz - He is, of course, that we have women who continue to responsibly also should oxygen magazine recipes not I, but every week like bones staff, maybe they were a little bone forming such so I continued oxygen magazine recipes to type well, I left September, due to some reasons. But is there a half to two months, I started to come again. But you know I follow necessarily happening, because for example I can easily say that a lot, Ayfer Yoğurtçular since the beginning, oxygen magazine recipes this is one that coordinates the park, and there are women that work regularly each week following. But setters, not. Because participation is really very clear. For example, the latest behold "has finally come the spring, we're going to the park" a call to the picnic done Yogurtçu Park ... being in the Park also said there is an advantage, no name, just Yoğurtçu women a lot of women who are coincidentally in the park is the Forum has also created a state suffering. What do you do or say is very noncommittal but come after it was involved in a lot of women. There are many great benefits of social media. Everyone is very clear, saying an open forum for everyone to women. Independence, the