Monday, January 13, 2014

2014 winter in Europe and despotism Slaughter Strategy for rent The Nobel shot in the foot Publicis

2014 winter in Europe and despotism Slaughter Strategy for rent The Nobel shot in the foot Publicis / Omnicom: a fusion erik erikson teoria of the past? Innovate or perish? Sylvia Pinel, or when incompetence job killing FNAC traded and digital tsunami Effective lobbying: the tobacco industry ... Daily Motion, nugget or Poulidor?
Julie on Strategy and despotism Segus on Strategy and despotism arthur zweig on Strategy and despotism Praderie Benoit Le Nobel shot in the foot on Pasturel The Nobel shot in the foot Dupont erik erikson teoria on The Nobel shot in the foot hdebodinat Sylvia Pinel, or when incompetence job killing Gheorghe Marina Publicis / Omnicom: a fusion of the past? Olivier CHAILLOT on Strategy crisis matches live on Montebourg, socialist primary, and ...
The almost mystical adoration of political elites for the euro, their priority given to banks on firms and households, and their servility towards supranational institutions may enclose the eurozone crisis in a soft, Germany excepted. Stuck in an overvalued euro and suicidal austerity, countries of Southern Europe should continue to see deindustrialisation erik erikson teoria and unemployment increase. Growth spurts, hailed as signs of sustainable improvement, will be only fleeting blips.
The relentless erik erikson teoria lobbying banks, anxious to preserve their immediate interest to the detriment of the general interest, perpetuate erik erikson teoria the excesses of financial capitalism. It will again come to the rescue of reckless operators whose errors will be paid by the community. Applauded by those same banks are finding a source of easy profits, massive injection of liquidity by the ECB and the zero interest erik erikson teoria rate will be powerless to boost growth, and used only to swell bubbles whose explosion could be fatal in 2008.
Frontline bubble equity markets artificially boosted by the loose monetary creation and deliberate low interest rates and the housing bubble that has been partially corrected, and finally the bubble of some complex products that drugged speculation banks have started to create as the Sorcerer's erik erikson teoria Apprentice Disney and brushes to infinity.
2014 is also the year of maintaining rents, despite their negative impact on the purchasing power of households. Pressure groups erik erikson teoria are too powerful to let them escape. erik erikson teoria In France, the taxi lobby, the pharmaceutical companies, the SNCF, monopolies such as EDF or GDF, the motorway operators, the public services as the STIF, all capable of defusing both regulation and competition will sudden price increases back again purchasing power and quality of life of the majority. Stagnating incomes, due to the relentless competition on wages created by globalization make this regression less bearable.
In 2014, democracy is expected to decline. In the United States, she is seized by the lobbies, such as the health set back Obama to the point of emasculating a law yet considered erik erikson teoria "socialist" by the Tea Party. In Europe, after Berlusconi's Italy, Spain and Portugual become prototypes of the corrupted democracy. Rajoy, leader of the Spanish government, propped in his defense, however irresponsible banks in their home loans, did not hesitate to describe as "terrorist" associations simply asking that the sale of a balance loans attached to this property. Rajoy is also (coincidentally?) Personally involved in a massive corruption scandal on the part of developers, banks and building societies. As the European Commission is disqualified by conflict of interest at the highest level and his unhealthy appetite and effete power.
These are signs that a gradual shift from democracy to plutocracy: by controlling the media, the propaganda, the leaders want to persuade the people they defend erik erikson teoria their interests when they defend the interests of castes or groups of pressure. Like the Catholic church which returns Rajoy on laws allowing abortion.
The worsening economic crisis, the excesses of the capitalist system sacrosanct, degradation of democracy, will combine to create the conditions for spontaneous social movements whose French and Italian red caps Forconi erik erikson teoria are only the avant-garde. Strong impacts are likely, such as volcanic eruptions during magma ascent. erik erikson teoria
For the same reasons, and despite media pressure in favor of "

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