Wednesday, February 12, 2014


STOLPIA Eating at the quarry formerly No doubt that her food and drink quarrymen this age is very different from what was the case in the early days of the slate industry. From what I understand, that there are some quarries do this clean and comfortable cabin or dining room with a modern kitchen and a good selection of fresh, nutritious food for the workforce. A quarryman today ordered his meal hot or cold, as he feels and sit at a table to eat. Of course, things were very different in the life of our grandfathers and our hendeidiau, did they not? According to the early history of the quarry Manod complained William Pritchard was published in October 1804 that there was nowhere to shelter workers from the harsh winter weather or anywhere with a roof on it to eat their food. Poor things, I say, and who would blame them for refusing to work under conditions of fashion on plot area of over 1600 feet above the sea. Further, there are other aspects of the life of our old quarry. The food basket Have you wondered how the old quarry workers carry their food to their work before the days of canned food or food box, as it tends to be called today. At one point, edrycha'n much like some of the workers danish beauty awards at the mine in the transport of their food basket. This anecdote 'funny-intensive' on the subject of autobiography of Robert danish beauty awards Williams, Field Engan, Llanllfyni OM Edwards appeared in Wales for the year 1899: Early Chwarelwr 1813-1839 ....... 'After that, my father went to work for Mine Lane to David Griffith, Ty Mawr. The only remarkable thing I remember that took place while there was a lump blow fell on David Griffith food basket while my father and he will eat at noon. Work they were on top of the mound above the Nantlle lake without a wall. They heard the sound of a shot in the quarry and they looked up, they saw a large lump hovering in the air above them. They came up at the moment, and departed from the best way they could, and he fell on the food basket was piled on the tables of my father David Griffith has split to be chipped. Accordingly between the two in the van they were working. Malodd the basket and the food was shattered, along with the pile rickets. I had pieces of the surface and bottom of the basket to make a small cart. ' Well, it must be great providence of heaven smile at the two that day, was it not? The small pitcher There are also a few references in old memories of our quarries to use a pitcher or small pitcher 'to carry food of the quarry. The following example of volume one who spent the first part of his career in rhybelwr small Cilgwyn and Dorothea Quarry in the Nantlle Valley, but like many others, left the quarry and later entered the ministry of Rev. Owen G . Owen 'Alafon' (1847-1916). 'What is given here englyn tradition was the first poet. When a young boy working at the Quarry Cilgwyn is the habit of the quarry, he might bring his food in the "small pitcher". One day he forgot his spoon and thus the inflamed: there is no spoon in court - for searching A careful unraveling; You know full well that decent Thumbing food with thumb and finger. Cart pitcher and I came across the next record here in response to Ned Pugh's Memories of the Quarry Arm Trough (Penrhyn Quarry today) that appeared in the Mirror. The response was published under the title Chwarelwrs Old Time in Maner and Wales Times, February 9, 1895. In this story we find interesting reference to food and ddeupeth the quarryman named above, as well as the history of player good old friend: 'Our food would not powliad of frowas oatcakes, stood on the spoon in it for breakfast, Cilcen loaf and lump of butter in a wooden basket, and phiseriad condensed milk as gruel. When agorem the cauad, a layer of ice over his face in the winter, however, yfem him. But do these sgrythu in the huts here. It's no wonder that times are getting weaker. Few men you see now as Robin Breast. Robin was two yards and feet two inches in his sandals, and measures forty six and under his armpits, and the same exact in its dynewyn. It was a roll round like a tree 'As Arfon quarries refer to the quotes above, I have to be parochial and ask again, I wonder do you know enghriefftiau quarrymen' Stiniog carrying their food in a basket or pitcher to work? (To be continued) Three Enquiries small query to finish. First, who can tell us what to include 'Pudding Stiniog' or Ffestiniog Pudding danish beauty awards mentioned in the old letter in the collection of the Ffestiniog Railway? Secondly, where was Edmund Street in Blaina? danish beauty awards And finally, have any of you are familiar with the old verse or rhyme about Sion a Sian who live in the house weather? Eds: Steff responded to an inquiry about the green ointment, edition June Elsi telephoned Roberts, Chwilog there one evening to say that she remembered her mother using it on cuts aballu. He was kind enough to promise to hit a bit of history written for us in the future. Thanks for linking, so look forward.

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