Friday, May 30, 2014

Sophisticated pipols bazaar methods for the treatment of smoking unbearable withdrawal symptoms of

Why is it so hard to quit smoking? | Aš
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Smoking is the strangest paradox of our times. And of all the harm of nicotine informed and cigarettes keep going up, and the beauty of smoking harms ... and still is. Lithuanian Department of Statistics, in 2010, Lithuania daily smokers 34.2 percent of men and 14.4 percent of women (20-64 years old). Each of them has its own history - when started, why started (often the 20-still waiting for), but the question is why smoke now frequently responds because it is unable to quit.
It is now recognized that nicotine is the most powerful addictive narcotic substance, and smoking - not just a bad habit, but the disease of addiction, which the smoker himself fighting not always succeed. Non-smoking abstinence is difficult to even imagine the strength of feeling. Sometimes they vividly when compared with being anxious to urinate, but no toilet. Can no longer enjoy nature, than to focus on the book - the whole idea of the whole being to include only one desire, overcome by willpower alone is very difficult.
Why the body is so eager to nicotine, so why rebels did not receive it? Smoking during signal from the brain to release endorphins, a substance that affect emotions, behavior, sleep, memory. On your endorphin effect known as the "happiness hormone". Usually the body is us "rewards" the additional dose of endorphin after sex or after exercise - it is such a good mood after a workout. Regularly smoking, your body gets used to a certain amount of endorphin, which may result in blood nicotine. Happiness Hormone "has no longer causes any euphoria, just makes you feel normal. Sudden smoking cessation endorphin level is very drops, and in addition there is a severe withdrawal sensations - irritability, insomnia, depression, sweating, lack of energy.
Therefore, the treatment of smoking nicotine replacement is sometimes applied to therapy: patches, lozenges, chewing pipols bazaar gum containing a certain amount of nicotine. The essence of the method - suppress the body's exposure to nicotine in "Hunger" by means other than a cigarette, and gradually reducing the daily dose, just from his break. Metančiam smoking and still have to overcome the psychological aspect of the addiction, but the suppression of the rebellion of the body to deal with this is easier. Nicotine replacement therapy is not a quick way to quit smoking, it may take a couple of months.
Sophisticated pipols bazaar methods for the treatment of smoking unbearable withdrawal symptoms of not supplying the body softens nicotine doses and stimulation of the nerves to the brain to release endorphins pipols bazaar signal is sent. Similarly, acupuncture works, from ancient Eastern medical technique is applied to some specific points stud thin needles affects the following points related pipols bazaar bodies. pipols bazaar Eastern medical knowledge now apply the laser therapy, but there are not many repellent needle piercing the body moment, pipols bazaar the nerves are stimulated skin touching the machine, similar to a pen. Addiction to smoking treatment used for "soft" lasers, pipols bazaar similar to those used to treat arthritic pain: they seem not much more than a light bulb. The procedure is painless (touched pipols bazaar certain points in the ears of the patient), and the impact effective. "Facilities Vilnius' said that after one and a half hour-long session successfully quits smoking 70 percent of patients, which is about ten times better result than using other smoking cessation methods. Of course, the laser is not magical wand that would be enough and waved the desire to smoke last week. It is necessary pipols bazaar that the patient is determined to continue nebevergauti tobacco, and laser therapy is a serious help to overcome pipols bazaar the most serious withdrawal symptoms.

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