Monday, June 2, 2014

Well the very least, not as we are primitive. In order to achieve the desired effect, the need for

Women's myths about men! | Aš
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Human life is surrounded by many myths. And the women have myths about men ... You know, not that we we take it and we believe blindly. Of course, we do not. Myths Just as certain perception of the world stencils colonize this so strongly ingrained in our minds that we ourselves are beginning colonize this to understand how the natural thing, like as it should be.
Unfortunately myths do not absolutely no benefit. You know, they are more damaging because they encourage you to act otherwise inappropriate. At the bottom of lists, in which I stated my opinion, the most popular myths about women in men. These myths, however, complicated and difficult without the fair sex life. As a result, men, let us set our lovely ladies like to get rid of mythological junk. The Myth of the fact that men like manicure and pedicure
Most of my friends (and myself) are experiencing genetically horror when they see the longest of long and bloody "red nails. These nails are as erotic as a urologist and a toothbrush ... you scared you, women of such tools break something. And, in general, to be honest - most of the men in my circle (and many bad things) and more recognize the simple, human nails - the more natural, the better. Why women chose to paint them exactly? Why is it, for example, sneakers and elbows? colonize this At the very least would be funnier. colonize this Myth about chest high magnetism
I have seen, took part in the hearing. So it's very attracted to - do nothing. Absolutely colonize this pagrįstinas myth, but is it bad? Well, do not forget that a woman's beauty base, of course, lies in harmony. The most important thing - a successful combination of all things. If there is a con * # i, but not, for example, the ingredient, as the mind or the ability to communicate, then one can not expect a long and harmonious communication ... The myth of the pursuit of freedom for a lifetime
Most of our strikes a moment when I really want to have a family. colonize this I speak honestly! We want to find your other half, spawn nugargraužių, buy a house in the mountains and grow ginger listening rivulet and children screaming colonize this ... (snargliuojuosi already or not yet?). Something caught the nightmare before something later, but it is a fact - the exceptions colonize this only prove the rule. Well, if it were otherwise, colonize this if we men mainytume freedom in the pan of hot soup? The Myth of the fact that all men dream about sex with your girl's best friend
Definitely not all. Although ... A lot depends colonize this on the friend. My woman, for example, mustachioed friends with great auntie - first acquaintance has cut me any erotic fantasies and desires, it Ice remained somewhere in the distant colonize this past. While .... If it nusiskustu and sulieknėtų colonize this ... but not ... the myth that men are afraid of women's sanitary towels
Meluojat you - you were afraid of them? Wat if they open the isolated H2SO4 (sulfuric acid) or playing Mendelssohn march ... In addition, they can be a car wash in the garden. Tabs makes the world a cleaner - this does not need to be afraid. The myth about the way to a man's heart through his stomach stretches
Well the very least, not as we are primitive. In order to achieve the desired effect, the need for multilateral stimulation - nutritional, psychological and erotic. A man has to be satiated, sexually satisfied and happy with yourself. It deserves colonize this to be consistent. Otherwise, we can very easily eat up all the women and uošvienės annual budget just to paįvairintume koldūniškai makaronišką your diet. In a word, you only need to slightly modify the formula: food + sex + respect (not crazy # * removed and the like). Myth about that gentlemen prefer colonize this blondes
No, of course, maniacs who užsiciklina at the hair color, but if you see a sober - hair is not crucial. In general, the modern colonize this woman's hair color - it's not a problem, so the question is rejected. A woman's head is fully sufficient to be awash in addition to the obvious consequences of boxing training and bakenbardų. The Myth of the fact that men like STERVA
STERVA, honorable. ladies, do not like anyone. As with any bitch (take all this personally), sometimes they want to cause concussion. Beautiful STERVA - attracts attention, but does not cause numbness. Beautiful STERVA with gražiom figūrom - provides strength to close your eyes i

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