Monday, February 24, 2014

Indeed, the department planned to work to the visitors literally

Where to look for the elixir of youth
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You ca ry light on Ms. wives chi us, in which each tion for bea chi ma own use then Riya life cha, n 'are the mountains majalah mangga online that for ba hundred scrap mountains that are ca pi with raw and alive le ve FLS tion gu Tar-ku. What can be said retired majalah mangga online women with such different fates and interests? Yes everything! And not only talk, but also to what is not enough time in his youth. majalah mangga online
For these retired life with access to a well-deserved rest by no means over. Complaints about the fate of the clinic majalah mangga online in the corridors (although the agency still has to attend due to his age), and gossip on the benches at the entrances majalah mangga online are not for them. Why spend the time right now to do what is really like? To do this, and come to the territorial center sotsobsluzhivaniya population Pershamajski district capital. It is here that they are engaged in circles, and recently began to attend Department of day care for the elderly that has earned at the center in late November. Every day here is going to a dozen people to share experiences and just have fun.
All my life Antonina Romanova Shakun worked in the library of the Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences. Now, at 77 years, a woman is interested in travel to Russia and the world, and also loves to read news network. majalah mangga online From a desire to keep up with modern technology all started.
- One went to get information on computer courses, and learned that center-based day care opens office - says Antonina Romanova. - What are we doing here? Everyone! But really still farmiruemsya.
Indeed, the department planned to work to the visitors literally "on the fly." It's simple and friendly, informal: someone offers theme and drinking tea (often with baked pies own), women begin to discuss it with their knowledge and experience. Held here and thematic talks on various issues - one of the most important, of course, health. A New Year's Eve women organized a culinary week, during which share favorite recipes and various tricks for cooking delicious meals.
67-year-old Maria I. Martinovic two years goes to the travel club at the center, where he attended majalah mangga online tours in Belarus and beyond. The last 20 years before retirement woman worked as a history teacher at the school, brought the future builders.
These thoughts led her to trade. Graduated evening courses, received rank and worked as a shop. After delivering newspapers majalah mangga online in the mail, but for health reasons had to leave work. But the unquenchable desire to do something resulted in Ms. Maria Department of day care.
Several majalah mangga online hours a day, that older people spend in office, give them the opportunity to find interesting people, share information and vzaemavzbagatsitstsa. And also manifest itself in the works: the holidays they hold concerts, where they sing, dance and arrange various competitions. But the initiative is not only within a single institution: a festive program women have been socio-educational center with a shelter Oktyabrsky district.
Diane Filip Peter worked all his life in the Ministry of Communications. She is now 67 years old, but she continues to look for jobs in the construction organization. Diana Filip husband died, the children they had. In order not to miss the pensioner bought a laptop, connect online.
- Still do not know everything in the computer, I'm afraid to click the wrong thing, so fin

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