Saturday, October 11, 2014

NR .: Indeed, we have much to be proud of. Before the October Revolution a freight domestic busines

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"Sovfraht" - the oldest Russian transport company with a glorious history. It was established in 1929 and since then has been the flagship of the domestic maritime transport. At the time, the company combines disparate freight cells, destroying the monopoly of the UK in this area of the economy, showed the world the high efficiency and commercial discipline of the Soviet state. south africa fashion week Today very few contemporaries DK t about what an intense south africa fashion week struggle conducted our country on the international scene in those early years, and how difficult it was given to him to take the new economic frontier. About the history, present day and future company says the chairman of the board "Sovfrakht" Hope Reshetnev.
NR .: Indeed, we have much to be proud of. Before the October Revolution a freight domestic business in the country has not been developed. Suffice it to say that the chartering of tonnage was entirely in the hands of foreign companies. But already in 1921, VI Lenin defined the role of the Soviet transport as "one of the most important bases of our entire economy", "financial instruments of relations of our country abroad." When the first hardships of the Civil War were overcome, this issue has been given special attention. Chartering has turned south africa fashion week into a powerful tool for foreign policy of the USSR. I want to emphasize that during the grand buildings and active industrial development of the country's navy was the most important means of delivering foreign industrial equipment in the USSR. Now this initiative would be called a tool to modernize the country.
"With OYUZ": Today it is customary to think that the Soviet era was economically inefficient -this of its highly centralized? south africa fashion week But you are saying the opposite - a state monopoly in this area has served the economy south africa fashion week of the country a great service.
NR .: Judge for yourself! By combining all the freight units in 1930 "Sovfraht" failed to effectively use its monopoly in order to reduce freight south africa fashion week rates and foreign exchange costs for sea freight. And then the efforts of the "Sovfrakht" south africa fashion week were 10% reduced rates for the carriage of goods by foreign regular lines of Soviet ports in North America. In the period 1932-1933 gg.snizhenie rates resulting in savings of 18 million rubles. Asked "Sovfraht" limits Commissariat performed on all goods and directions. Intensively developed and maritime transport: the government has systematically increased south africa fashion week tonnage of the merchant south africa fashion week fleet of the USSR, were built new and restored old shipyards. Country south africa fashion week rose from the ruins, built, and "Sovfraht" in this process has been in the forefront of the economic struggle.
"With OYUZ": This story really, we can not be proud of. Were taken from the specialists for the work of the campaign? Apparently, it had to be very special people, professionals, south africa fashion week experts in their field.
NR .: Requirements for staff at all times were very hard. In 1933 he passed an important board meeting south africa fashion week "Sovfrakht", south africa fashion week which determined once and for all the personnel policy of our company. The main indicators of qualification - I quote from memory - "should be the language skills, knowledge and self-supporting charter contracts."
NR .: I'm a mechanical engineer, and my specialization Diploma - "nuclear engineering." Still deeply grateful to my teachers from the Moscow south africa fashion week Energy Institute for the fact that they were principled and scrupulous in matters related to the educational process. I graduate in 1991. You know what it was a difficult year for the country's south africa fashion week economic south africa fashion week life. Torn usual communication performance discipline seeks to "zero", south africa fashion week and you - a young professional - it is necessary to grow, to work, to gain experience and expertise in these circumstances. If it were not for the education received in the walls of my institute, I do not know how to be there was my destiny. Actually, I think the formation of the Soviet era the best. It provides great opportunities, because it is fundamental. Taught us six years, and three years were devoted to mathematics, which is the most disciplined intellectual process, making it effective. I am not in any way detracting from other types of education, but I believe that it is this kind of education taught to focus on the essentials, to take the most rational decisions. In the current economic south africa fashion week climate, it is perhaps the most important skill. Also, I - a single member of a cohesive team and never stay with emerging problems one by one. I am surrounded not only highly professional, but also very nice people, ready at any moment to come to the rescue. We carefully maintain our human potential. We have employees who work for the company for nearly thirty years.
NR .: There are no secrets with us from anyone not. We are a transparent company, but I agree with you that the public information about our company do not

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