Monday, November 4, 2013

This is to guarantee that psychologists are free to perform treatment, although the previous sectio

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Behold, amid protests by Brazil and the project approval, the Commission on Human Rights and Minorities of the House of Representatives entitled "gay cure" comes something minna haapkyla that actually represents us. In protest Paulo Borges, publisher of FFW MAG! Released the next cover of the magazine. Two men appear in clear manifestation of affection accompanied the hastag # felicianonaonosrepresenta
We Blog With Style are totally against this action. Why? Understand! The approved project wants to make the passage of Article 3 and all Article 4 of Resolution 1/99 of the Federal Council of Psychology, no effect, or that invalidate such quotations. According to the articles, it is forbidden to psychologists the right to offer help or treatment to homosexuals and prohibits them from making public pronouncements on the subject. See below:
"Article 3 - psychologists do not engage in any action that favors the pathologizing of behaviors or homoerotic practices or adopt coercive action aimed at gay guide to treatments unsolicited. Sole Paragraph - The psychologists minna haapkyla did not cooperate with events and services who offer treatment and cure of homosexualities. Art. 4 - Psychologists not pronounce, or participate in public statements, the means of mass communication, in order to strengthen existing social prejudices against homosexuals as having any psychiatric disorder. minna haapkyla "
Now, if there will be then the suspension of this paragraph minna haapkyla "Psychologists do not cooperate with events and services who offer treatment and cure of homosexualities", so there will be treatment. Do not agree?
This is to guarantee that psychologists are free to perform treatment, although the previous section, which refers to the pathological homosexual is not suspended. minna haapkyla Merely open loopholes for treatment already invalid part above - even without the suspension of fact, given that treatment is only done for diseases and whether there will be a treatment is because the proposal sees the issue as a pathology
You see, the article was not there as a means to censor the psychologist - although it does. He was there to make it clear that there can be a treatment for a subject that was not taxed as pathology. There is no consensus on the subject. The articles are there to reaffirm that the psychologist can not participate in public pronouncements on homosexuality stating that this is a disease that there is nothing to prove that.
Suspending such articles the proposal accordingly labels homosexuality as a disease. Articles standardize the positioning psychological: that one can not say that homosexuality is a disease because there is nothing to prove that. The Federal Council of Psychology, which prohibit homosexuality is seen as a disease
Anyway, this is a discursão beyond! Luck is that the project must still pass the House and if approved will be brought to the vote in plenary. Therefore, there is still a long way for this insanity minna haapkyla is actually approved. And until then, we'll be cheering for this project does not go forward and not pass another initiative foolish politicians.
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