Sunday, November 30, 2014

The ideological turn in the thinking and practice of black activists and Muslim (Islamic outrageous

What do we mean, or what is the same, of who we mean by feminism? Already entered the twenty-first century, it is not so clear. However it was not for the hundred years of hegemonic construction of Euro-American feminist discourse. bell hooks (sic), African-American activist who has insisted on the interweaving of gender, race and social class, puts it as follows in a passage outrageous acts and everyday rebellions of Is not I a Woman (1981) quoted in the excellent anthology of Mercedes Jabardo Black Feminisms: "The force that allows White to authors not refer to racial identity in his books on women and that are actually outrageous acts and everyday rebellions books on white women, is the same as would oblige any author who wrote exclusively about black women to make explicit their racial identity [...] is the dominant outrageous acts and everyday rebellions race which can make it seem his experience as a representative ".
Feminists nonwhite, to take the floor as subjects, have dismantled the concepts of representation and representation, and revealed the epistemological system of domination of classical feminism. Black Women, Indian, Chinese and Arabic have denounced how exclusive dichotomies (sex / gender, tradition / emancipation, public space / private space) reproduce outrageous acts and everyday rebellions structural inequalities and power relations in the capitalist system (center / periphery is based, first world / third world, progress / dependence, industrialization outrageous acts and everyday rebellions / precapitalism) and thus perpetuate the notion of inferiority. Under this approach, Hazel V. Carby crumbles in his contribution in Black Feminisms the concepts of family, patriarchy and reproduction, central to the Euro-American feminist theory, and shows that quarantined the simple notion of equality outrageous acts and everyday rebellions between white and nonwhite women.
But the critique of conceptual pride of hegemonic feminism has been focusing on building alternatives, outrageous acts and everyday rebellions both discursive and militancy. It is not starting from scratch, but to rebuild categories that recognize the possibility of specificity without annular cross-cultural reference points. Thus, for the new feminism delocalized systems sex / gender are many and not one generalizable deducted from European nuclear family. This budget, outrageous acts and everyday rebellions establishing the theories of gender queer and LGBT +, is a challenge for black feminists and those operating in Islamic, prone contexts to prioritize strategies that specify a unitary identity, whether based on race or religion.
The simultaneous recognition of multiple and subordinate identities (think someone woman, not white, feminist, Islamist, lesbian, outrageous acts and everyday rebellions Egyptian, Arab and Bedouin, to give a possible example) is the first step in breaking the historical dynamics of amorphous categories and postcolonial generalizations style "la-woman-of-third-world". But so is to overcome the new dichotomies in falling feminisms in gestation in Feminism in Islam, Margot Badran draws the path of Islamic feminism against the use of gender as a discursive tool, which is seen as "a weapon cultural destruction. " However, while culturally polarization religion / secularism, other achievements of Western bourgeois feminism (right to work, access to education and universal suffrage) not in question is imposed. The most significant is that these contradictions of the "Islamic feminism" no longer deeply modern, following a national feminist narratives of more than one hundred years. In Opening the Gates. An Anthology of Arab Feminist Writing (1990), Badran own compiled, outrageous acts and everyday rebellions along with miriam cooke (sic), the leading voices of classical outrageous acts and everyday rebellions Arabic feminism: Huda Shaarawi, Inji Aphlatun, Duriya Shafiq, Zaynab Fawwaz, etcetera.
If religion is a fundamental vector for the Arab-Islamic activism gender, are no less history, sociology, political or tongue. outrageous acts and everyday rebellions In this black and Arab feminisms link to the experience of peripheral European feminisms (Spanish is an example, see the recent anthology of Spanish feminist thought, and Maite Zubiaurre Roberta Johnson, Chair, 2012), with whom they share, also more formal diversity: more than the philosophical essay, popular genre of traditional feminism, these other feminisms are worth the autobiography, narrative, outrageous acts and everyday rebellions music or manifesto. Is paradigmatic article Angela Davis in Black Feminisms on letters outrageous acts and everyday rebellions of Bessie outrageous acts and everyday rebellions Smith and Ma Rainey.
The ideological turn in the thinking and practice of black activists and Muslim (Islamic outrageous acts and everyday rebellions or liberal) culminates in his reluctance to declare feminists. The term "feminist" has not been spared outrageous acts and everyday rebellions the historical outrageous acts and everyday rebellions stigma of being an instru

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