Saturday, November 29, 2014

Teresa Moure (text in Galician) 1. In contrast to the contempt he regularly bazzar magazine receive

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Teresa Moure (text in Galician) 1. In contrast to the contempt he regularly bazzar magazine receives feminism in the media, the presentation of the program objectives of eco-feminism serves regularly to win audiences. As alluded to the connection between ecology and feminism, the public opinion softened. Women may not be in the world to serve man? Reasons? and also the nature can not be there as a set of resources that man can dominate at will. Enunciarmos this connection seems to grant both revolutionary legitimacy to the fight green, so it does not look like a matter of sensitivity, as the feminist struggle, which comes broadened its scope outside the struggles bazzar magazine for representation. Because, against a feminist institution that acts trying strain bazzar magazine women in status quo, ecofeminism retains breath subversive pretending bust entire system and remove the privileges of gender, which is the real goal of grassroots social bazzar magazine movements. In that sense, for me the discovery of ecofeminism was a refoleada fresh air. 2. By putting the focus on the connection between sexism and oppression of nature, experience ecofeminist furnishes something many do not offer revolutionary vanguard seen: a estuary is not a mass of water to obtain industrial exploitation, or a mountain is a lot of we can extract minerals to enrich us. An estuary or a mountain landscape bazzar magazine are agents bazzar magazine who cultivated various forms of life over the centuries. If we accept this condition incubators essential for life, it is easy concedérmoslles the right to stays above the interests ephemeral and purely economic, bazzar magazine human beings. bazzar magazine Unlike other perspectives, ecofeminism not meet demand limited objectives bourgeois bazzar magazine women. But not content with accepting that the revolution of the proletariat is met without considering the question of genre, much as some colleagues they still seem incidental. The dinosaurs they are. Why think that gender is an addition to the basic question of the class means, in fact, do not question all the relations of privilege. 3. Among the precursors of ecofeminism is Vandana Shiva, an Indian thinker linked to Chipko Movement; a group of women who encadeaban trees to prevent their felling within a project of reform particularly aggressive. The Chipko movement is opposed to the logic of an industrial agriculture, mechanized and dependent on the dictates of the laboratories. But it also gives letter to other claims unreleased in feminism. Want to link this issue with the criticism that feminists Third World feminism did Western stating that stereotyped. The trend, in fact, is to see women African, Indian or Andean bazzar magazine as religious (ie non-progressive), family oriented (ie traditional), minors bazzar magazine (not aware of their rights), illiterate bazzar magazine (ie ignorant ) and domestic (which is as much as primitive). Against this profile, bazzar magazine the Chipko movement implied that a non-Western people could develop their own methods of struggle, with goals well plotted, and the other from asumíbeis

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