Monday, November 17, 2014

Susan Brownmiller even though he was on the front foot to the emergence of real rape victims is not

"We need to answer everyone's questions openly: Have you ever passed you raped?" Sexual Bullying: rape cases in his book The History of Susan Brownmiller begins his book with these words. What is hidden in an environment where the majority of rape who raped unfortunately they can not even answer this question. As events in Pervari in 2010, the girls have been abused, the photos taken during celia amoros the event did not even tell his family under threat at the beginning of the event will be shown to all; One of the two ultimately, the rape and murder of two children in the other three years of one of them, the other was realized a series of events that resulted in the injury. Can we expect more in an environment deemed guilty of raped?
Susan Brownmiller even though he was on the front foot to the emergence of real rape victims is not a rape victim. Hundreds celia amoros of women appeared and there was a huge movement against rape. Because it was one that recognizes that mean that the transition raped all the women raped a woman. Which led to the birth was not only a feminist movement. But the move would lead to women. They exhibit the courage to live openly putting forward women experience pain, they show that the solution of the problems in their own hands. Located at the rape occurred, everyone who witnessed it, especially women exhibit a clear stance in the face of these events were in the situation anymore. celia amoros People have got to realize that the event should not be deducted celia amoros into the trap of wanting to close the superior mentality. The Rape should be emphasized clearly that rape is one of humanity's dark side.
"The historical origins of Rape, 365 days 24 hours out of the request based on the hundreds of male domination of women's ready-to-male sexual relations with him years to enter into relationships reveals the request. celia amoros Considering the weakness of men as compared to women of physics shows how much is left defenseless in the face of female to male. Rape is a non-event as opposed to the possibility of retaliation or tit for tat event from other events. The difference celia amoros in the woman's anatomy makes it impossible for it to be brought under the domination by another male in the woman's fellow Dad, siblings, relatives eliminates also the ground of solidarity with etc.- woman's fellow man. "This is such an article on women in some cultures, celia amoros even the goods to be regarded as a plugin will result. Sanctification celia amoros of the institution of marriage, virginity taken under the supervision and protection of women, the female to male dominance own heart will establish celia amoros a "private space" is created. Especially in agrarian societies virgin woman, prepared for man, the divine law with secured private media, the conversion of farm land untouched subjected to a similar process. Soil is to be driven. Industrial society deems unfavorable treatment but will vary exponentially in the position of women will spread to alarming degree. Women, while maintaining a jam in the family's hard shell is lost between the wheels at the same time in the industry.
Although the 19th century, a period in which rationalism celia amoros and reach the top of the developments in the scientific field, is a century observed increase in incidents of violence and rape against women. With the development of industrialization particularly exploitation of women and children began to labor. celia amoros The study of women workers continue to live under bad conditions remain exposed to oppression at home next to a heavy load. Victor Hugo's timeless work Miserables' Fantin example is the situation celia amoros in the open. Fantin, Felix The son of a bourgeois family of origin: Upcoming celia amoros sanmıştır- them with a love that becomes pregnant as a result of violent attacks, eliminating Felix lost. Fantin, hidden as Cosette gives the name to the girl brought to the world. Must work to enlarge the child; also out of wedlock should be known by any person in that child. Therefore, let the child live with a family in another city. Also makes provision for payment to the family. One day as a child of the marriage rumors begin to circulate celia amoros among employees Fantin off at the factory. Hearing this, the foreman bucket celia amoros Fantin business woman. celia amoros Fanta's not allowed to work in another place. Is raped by the owner of the room where, falling into the streets, the street continues to rape. To rape her until she met normal, celia amoros it is time to punish Fantin gentleman instead of insulting the police catch the rapist.
In short, the women start working in the industry does not bring the gain autonomy. 19 th -century socialist ideologies of women because they look at it more just because the class was to draw attention to social problems enough problems stemming from being a woman. Marx-Engels thinkers such as Proudhon did not stop even with a precision that should be on this issue. Female authors address the problem areas Marxist August Bebel, this is so

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