Monday, December 30, 2013

Medics say that the strain of swine H1N1 virus is available in the U.S. through artificial recombin

There are few authors who claim that the World Health Organization is owned by Rockefeller. A KGB existed supersecret bazzar department - "Mongoose" (actually all Institute), which specifically dealt with vaccination. This reveals in his article Professor AP Stoleshnikov physician with 30 years experience.
He argues that the institute studied the secret world government and the Masonic movement. In 1991, employees at the institute against the persecution started, many of them were killed, others disappeared, others changed their family names and gone to other countries. But maintaining archives. In 2004, these experts have created a special site where you published material. bazzar
"We must be grateful to those men that we warned of dire consequences of vaccination against measles and mumps that the global mafia wanted to create in Ukraine ..." - says Professor Stoleshnikov. After vaccination, died a child scandal started investigation. One clerk was arrested. Blame the vaccine was demonstrated. In Ukraine to begin international investigation into the criminal activities of WHO. But it turned out that the World Health Organization is governed by oligarchic Rockefeller family, bazzar which is in favor of the principle bazzar of the "golden billion", ie that the land should remain one billion people. Former bazzar KGB officers gathered quietly horrifying facts in the open press, analyzed bazzar them and quite rightly advised people: Lose criminal vaccines! Learn to think independently, journalists asking questions about vaccination politicians: ask an accurate and honest answer. We are not guinea pigs of the Rockefeller Mafia.
First of all pregnant women were vaccinated, and the Soviet Union considers vaccination to completely contraindicated for pregnant women. Even in sledvoeniya Soviet government did not aim to destroy the population in their own country, even if abortion were banned until 1956
In the U.S. and Canada messages bazzar occur, in order to increase the shelf-life of vaccines, it is necessary in them to be incorporated experimental additives. One of these additives is squalene (polyunsaturated acyclic hydrocarbon distributed in the tissues of animals, plants and microorganisms), it has an organic component, which enhances the response of the organism to the vaccination. But research has long demonstrated that
Professor Stoleshnikov indicates that a global junta is trying indiscriminate and forced to vaccinate the whole world as it is quite possible "vaccination" kind "chipizirane" people disguised bazzar behind combating disease.
- Thiomerosal - mercury compound, its creator worked on chemical warfare for concern "Lily" who first began to produce legal methadone (the legal heroin) to help drug addicts, this ingredient is banned in childhood vaccines in the U.S., the EU and some other countries .
- Live fabrics - pig and horse blood, rabbit brain, kidneys dog and monkey Vero cells (viruses grown in mammalian bazzar cells), erythrocytes from sheep blood, chick embryo, chicken and duck eggs, cow whey, whey cow fruit casein hydrolyzate porcine pancreatic residue protein MRC5 human diploid cells (human abortions).
- Potassium diphosphate;
Repeated introduction of mercury into the body of the child results in damage of the nervous system - the result is a result sledvaksinen autism toxic injury of the nervous system, which in the United States has increased up to 1500 fold. Some vaccines can be infected with the Simian Virus strain 40 (SV 40) which is associated with certain cancers.
Medics say that the strain of swine H1N1 virus is available in the U.S. through artificial recombination of the deadly "Spanish" (Spanish flu) in 1918 derived from American virologists from brotherly mound of Alaska.
In the U.S., Americans have officially bazzar applied for the FBI against the WHO, the UN, the U.S. President, the Rothschild bazzar family, the Rockefeller and other persons involved in the plans of "Global junta" to commit mass depopulation by means of biological warfare. These plans are aimed at the mass murder of more than 5 billion people bazzar through art laboratory virus that will cause a pandemic among mankind, then it will be carried out mass euthanasia of people through compulsory vaccination.
Austrian journalist Jane Byurgermayster surrendered to the FBI documents accused the World Health Organization, United Nations, U.S. President B.Obama, Rockefeller and Rothschild clan and several other agencies and individuals that have conspired to destroy much of the world's population through vaccination people with deadly vaccine - against swine flu. The journalist claims that the two types of flu - avian and swine have been developed in laboratories to mass destruction of people through vaccination. Her papers entitled "Evidence for the charge of bioterrorism":
Records show that many organizations

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