Tuesday, December 24, 2013

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Bulgarian Hip Hop Association (BHHA) is an organization of Bulgarian artists create art in the field of hip-hop culture - hip hop, R & B and reggae / ragga artists, beat makers, hip-hop producers, graffiti artists, tarnteybalisti hip hop and break dancers and the crew, DJ-and fans and to build a real hip-hop community.
The first general meeting of the association attended nearly 70 of the 140 members of the new hip hop and only association in the country. At the meeting it became clear that BHHA just beginning its actual activity so far as their work was associated entirely with the legalization of such a public body before the law and they have taken all necessary diligence vouge magazine requirements documents and registrations. Since people still ask what are the objectives of the association, they explained that BHHA not label is not a party promoter and in no way is competition on any label or party organizer, as well as anyone else. The activity of this independent voluntary organization is a nonprofit and will depend entirely on its members and the decisions of the General Assembly they will apply for projects at home and abroad to promote the development of the Bulgarian part of the hip-hop elements in the national and international level.
It was explained that the role of the current vouge magazine leadership of the association was as it were dull and formal, but it played up its role, namely to carry a burden of legalization and regularization of the association. The only fun part of the initial steps of their discovery was BHHA organized vouge magazine them BULGARIAN HIP HOP FESTIVAL, which still talking when a scene for 10 hours got 130 names of Bulgarian hip-hop scene - all sang together and shook hands .
It became clear that the former governors were appointed vouge magazine officially vouge magazine by the founders of BHHA to the first General Assembly of the members democratically by voting to elect its Board of Directors. Each regular member of the Association may be elected to the Management or Supervisory savet.Samata voting procedure mine for about an hour and a half, and anyone who wants to run for the board, had to submit to the microphone with two sentences and explain why run. Anyone wishing to do so was admitted to the microphone and application. After 18 nominations voluntarily went on to vote, each of the 70 members present had to display their desired Board by writing seven of the 18 names on the list. After the counting was named first Board voted by the first General Assembly, and they are as follows with the number of votes:

The meeting was announced and deadline for submission of projects and ideas. Everybody can send their proposals to the bhha@abv.bg, a note will be taken and consider only projects vouge magazine and ideas related to hip hop. The deadline is March 1, 2014. BHHA will present the projects approved in April 2014.
1. Bobby Vaklinov - from Lords of the Air
The new Board relied on a woman's hand to his head, luck of their entire team, yet to expect more and more news related BHHA, yet their campaign and project recruitment, we hope to make a good party, as proposal was received at their general meeting - any annual general meeting ends with a party, we sound good. Hip Hop Association 2013-12-16
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22/12/2013 Comment
19/11/2013 Comment vouge magazine
Mihalevski: GERD lie to stop paying for EU funds, by contrast achieved impressive results
Handball: Pomorie - Nove 99 23:20 Svishtov
Mayor of Pomorie invites protesters! 26.03.2013 | 28 comments
Pomorie Burgas theft GERB Coalition for Bulgaria Nessebar exhibition Police Kableshkovo GERD Dimtcho Mihalevski Aheloi football Pomorie Municipality Fire Parliament BSP EVN Bulgaria Oresharski elections Boyko Borisov Festival Ivan Alexiev accident protests
Aries Here comes the silent holy night that brings miracles and Gifts. 've Collected a lot of pressure in my soul this year, maybe it's time to decompress. Allow others to be as they are without being obliged to comply with you permanently. Calm the ball and run quiet and holy that night in his heart. Back to all zodiac signs
Taurus Your mood will be quite variable today. Will struggle with

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