Monday, December 23, 2013

Responsibility for errors of doctors (medical error)

NGO. What is it and who needs? |
Non-governmental organization carl barbier (NGO) was established entity subject to special legislative regime is created to support community or separate groups for achieving the common goals that have no business (commercial) character. The aim of the founders is to contribute to the development of certain values in society, they do not distribute profits, no matter how successful the activities of NGOs.
Permitted by law objectives of NGOs can include but are not limited to the following examples: basic human values, arts and culture, democracy and civil society, human rights, disadvantaged or socially excluded groups, sustainable development and environmental protection , other activities that are not prohibited carl barbier by law.
Comfortable and easy to implement form my organization carl barbier would be a non-profit purpose under the non-profit purpose. This law allows carl barbier for the creation of a non-profit organization in several legal forms: Association for private benefit. Sduzhenie public benefit. "Foundation" (rather, "Foundation").
All are known as NGOs (nongovernmental organizations) and have as their main feature that operate to meet various community needs. These associations are generally not engaged in economic activity (activity aimed to make a profit). If they decide to do business this is permitted only insofar as this activity is additional and is connected to the main activity.
Example connectivity of economic profit NGO activities: Development of facilities for people with disabilities carl barbier to be traded in a store or in the online space where the aim of the NGO is to support people with disabilities. Sale of copies of paintings, sculptures, sculptures in store gallery opened and operated by NGOs to disseminate culture and cultural monuments.
Attention! Conduct of business of the NGOs does not make them merchants, their goal is and remains a non-profit. NGOs do not distribute profits carl barbier - their members do not receive dividends on profits from the additional economic activity. Any resources NGO activities carries should be spent to achieve the objectives of the organization.
What are the differences and which one is the most appropriate organizational form for my idea? Associations in the private benefit are created to serve non-commercial interests of a particular group in society - most often the members of NGOs. For example: Association for the private benefit carl barbier of protecting the interests of the artists belonging to the organization. Associations of private carl barbier benefit to protect the interests of people with diabetes who are members of this organization. Benefit associations are created to carry out socially useful activities, the objectives they pursue are not limited to members of the organization, and extend to a wider range of people. For example, public benefit association, which aims to support the social inclusion of disadvantaged people. Public benefit association that pursues carl barbier improving carl barbier the health system; carl barbier NGO - Foundation is created during lifetime or upon death (in will) to achieve a profit, with the main difference with the previous forms is the way of establishment and the device, respectively carl barbier manner of functioning of NGOs. For example: Foundation for promoting training and specialization of talented children in Bulgaria. Foundation for the implementation of campaigns to protect the environment.
Attention! Community centers, carl barbier trade unions, religious denominations and political parties are distinct forms of associations of citizens. They also do not do business, but their activity is regulated by special laws for their creation, management and the work they do operate other rules! A non-profit organization, registered under the provisions of Law for Non-profit organizations can not perform trade union, religious carl barbier or political activity!
(*) This article aims to outline some basic your rights, does not claim to be a legal adviser. If you have difficulty with the exercise of these fundamental rights or the case is more complex - we advise you to consult a legal expert. (*)
Responsibility for errors of doctors (medical error) place without advertising and takes more than 450 hours each month to study the laws and writing materials. If we find useful or value in what we do, help yourself carl barbier to our coffee or lunch. carl barbier
" Decrypt laws" carl barbier is the pilot project of the department of legal culture. The project is embedded with social function, its main and only purpose is to provide useful carl barbier and practical legal information for its readers, presented in an understandable carl barbier way.

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