Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Ege-gay! Rainbow shines in the field! Feed her with my palms. Hey, Sky, hold! The second time strew

-Look, I open up to you! You're like a pure Virgin, mensnonno that heaven and earth to roam. Beautifully you? Or do you have fun here, sit on the grass? Wait, look towards the hut, so that is calling you?, Asks me one of the stars that are good signs gives my right eye.
Darling-forward - your answer simple and clear in silence, just before the hour, so the sky I whispered. mensnonno It seems there heard. Rastupilisya clouds. And white tape played in heaven. The full moon shone. Marveled at the universe of such news that the star fell in love with the girl. Yes anybody! The common man.
Marveled at the universe. That marvel! History changed his way: turned forward again. Elapsed time was suddenly present. And the way to deepen steel low in the sky. There's depth. They are so deep!
He's the leader! Leads the rescue mensnonno in the mountains, the rocks. mensnonno He seeks the well of cracks in the rocks, among others spaces. Find water - drunk himself and the army gives to soybeans. And vzmuzhayuts! Return to the head crown, and age-old wisdom stones sparkle in the crown of one. Then freedom! To his native land, he will bring gold, in the palms of their holding. And scattered the. And it will fall. And take his grass. And will it land. And become fertile soil. And violently stretched crops. After his fall from palm Golden mensnonno Keys. Golden Keys of Heaven. Revealed to him. Not to him. Not me one. Open sky!
Marveled at the universe. Stopped everything. And dance in the sky. Moon suddenly changed its whiteness on yellow like the sun sand color. Whirlpools zahadilisya in heaven. Pazakruchvalisya mensnonno bright ribbons. Bird appeared. Ostensibly crane. Spread its wings to all Heaven. So much so that the feathers suddenly interfere Heaven - it closely. Closely they keep such a bird. And sprinkle those feathers! Yes swirled. Yes fell at my feet. He suggested the universe:
-Take it! What a great joy. What great fortune lies at your feet. Your joy, your happiness in your return mensnonno of the King. Bird, leaving their feathers - one for you flew from afar. That welcome you from Him. Know ordinary man has already become mensnonno your King! And the crown back on his head.
August 8, 2012, Ćirković.

I will greet you in the morning. I'll say hello to you evening. When the sun began to walk. Step confident. Step cheerful. And then goes on your head rainbow. I'll go for it in the box. Gather a handful of ripe ears. August and expanse, singing from the village when the baby christening. Then lift your palm. Obsyplyu mensnonno rainbow bread. She studies mensnonno at the light of the Lord thy head. What a gift. Eat them. But I Asta small droplet. Like a small droplet of rain, which will be our wedding joy - your-my wedding ring. Ring that was born in the mountains. Where the spirits of the earth creates sky. Where your feet trampled stones distant beautiful country. mensnonno Where are your eyes alight Beijing fire. Own fire so unless Gods! Wait a couple. Allegedly two ears on all the empty field. Will just you and me. We'll be in a couple. In nature. Together. Wait. Until your heart starts to whisper to you words with the power of those winds that nurtured your cheeks when you were in their distant mountains. Wait until your strength awake again. Alive. Alive while sycamore with Kalina - light steam in a paradise garden of yours, that you build your hand. For themselves. For me. For both of us. Come down from the mountains.
Ege-gay! Rainbow shines in the field! Feed her with my palms. Hey, Sky, hold! The second time strew up a handful of ears. And then they fell on my head. And scattered mensnonno with gold tops. Gold tops and at my feet. Collect. Saints acorns. Their views. So much that it would take a basket to collect them. What happiness to us on the road! From the mountains of your happiness - yes in my legs. Supposedly embrace you when collecting acorns. And I'm getting ready light your way. In light our way. Hey, rainbow, you have a lot of flowers. Luminosity luminosity. Yes illumination mountain that way, it was easy to. After going through it. After all, is my favorite mensnonno person.

& Nb

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