Friday, March 28, 2014

With a unique artistic finesse, shows Tower comic episodes, but that tragically cost the people acc

Author pigeon tower, known in his activity, affirming in the field of art, an impersonal personality in culture, I am sure that there is no need for a literary criticism of mine, since I do not have the required professional certifications do a analysis or literary criticism. But for me to express the pleasure that reading gave me the book, saying that he needs, like any other author. He needs the reader's appreciation. And I really expresses gratitude after having written something special, an almost complete overview of the features of the dictatorship, with color realism and humor that only he knows how to dredge, collect, formulate and artistically convey the the reader as well.
Also, I will try to make a summary of impressions, not only as a passionate reader, but as a character, which has seen a good part of the facts that are recorded in this book. Are, as it were, a reader notes-character. These events are part of our life, of my life, of my relatives or tuajve and in this light I will try to bring my emotions or my experience while reading this book and tracking of any event. "Storks do not come" is a book that should be read by all, as it shows the dexterity, truthfully, ginza musik painfully, cooked with humor too thin, with an accompanying technique that is unique word or "Tower Style", if Can I designate ginza musik the style of such Pigeon Tower, taking occasion if his unique creations. Here I would mention it on toasted setting a new word that has offered us himself: "kripëmjaltëza", a neologism hit, that has got to be the first time in his book "Skender Sallaku, or laughed as under dictatorship ".
Dictatorship involved extensively in the book between two emblematic stories, in which two deaths described weight: ginza musik that of Stalin ginza musik and Enver Hoxha. These two stories up and close the book. "The death of Stalin," the first story of this book is about a period that still comes alive the stories of elders, exactly as the author shows. People "were marrosën" and thanked the years of Stalin, whose death had knocked on the door and fanatical Stalinist, although the Lord deny, the hope that God will keep close eyes on their iniquities will do a service: t 'was getting to be added to those of communist czar of Russia. Regardless of how many "years of formal meetings donate assemblies" Russian dictator, people do not realize that they were victims of his ideology, but even if they understood ginza musik it was not worth it. Their destinies were recorded.
Without wanting to go into a broader social analysis, I continue with my impressions of the book. A beautiful set forth chronologically storyteller, a masterful artistic depiction, a serenity to confession, to the point explosion left a peak between glamor ginza musik and humor you while you are in pain with tears in his eyes, sudden bursts of gas a lot, - tears over tears - in a hilarious incontinent after "Tower Style" makes its effect: the facts are true, but of course in detail and shown in the optics of the grotesque organized now seems easy to detect. For example: the class struggle ginza musik so as to exaggerate ginza musik the wonder that while it is fully reliable. An individual can not be allowed to pursue university may not decorated, can not be allowed to play the in a film, but also to suffer this poor donkey! Talk about an unfortunate animal, which raises against his boisterous crowd of fanatics, who causes a plenum meeting of party, to a beat that ass and finally pushing into the abyss, only that work and eat at the trough of a man who was politically The declassified? What I call "Tower Style" appeared here deviation from the object, but not by topic! Not the theme of the class struggle! Deviation ginza musik from the scope of collective subservience is also rare in the story "A driver stately" but ama author ginza musik moves from topic of the message. Prime driver stops every year in his native village ginza musik and in the months ginza musik to those observed every year by an extraordinary vivacity. In that village festivals made devices, the committee ngrysen till dawn in the village, honored as the driver take lunches dinners First District Secretary and Chairman Executive Committee. ginza musik Let the fellow who anxiously wait to weep troubles him, to lumurit, that fate has led to the first bripërbri the country! ...
With a unique artistic finesse, shows Tower comic episodes, but that tragically cost the people accompanying burn scars, hurts, of course recalls and learns. Can not keep the tears from laughter when reading about it in the floor of the village guard that filled the mouth of the rifle with beans, ginza musik or wheat during the harvest ... is hardly restrain tears of pain along the excellent reading of the story "will not Storks come on "that gives the book title. House of Uncle Suli

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