Monday, December 1, 2014

Hei say in my defense that in the first two cases I was the only man on a project that included fou

A reflection on "Feminazis" | World March of Women
Who endorses this article participated in the writing of a manual criteria for the use of language which was collected a section on using non-sexist. As I did not have enough, drawn a small guide to non-sexist language to the place I worked almost four years. Relapsed and Milite gossip club use a non-sexist language. I am, therefore, available to academic authorities or the forces and bodies of security of the state to proceed with me as dispuxeren.
Hei say in my defense that in the first two cases I was the only man on a project that included four other female voices, all philologists, linguists, experts. Some and even some of you chamaranas feminazis and therefore understands the pressures suffered by sign with my name on such an offense. gossip club I, however, treatments such as friendly, expert and master. Stockholm Syndrome, in short.
In the second I have no excuse: it was a project that took their own initiative to include gossip club in the plan for equal opportunities County Cerceda. Nobody commented this came my head that maybe is doomed, as my soul to hell after rolling down lecture after passage through the guillotine. For weak by giving in to the pressures of an environment totally irrespirábel that leads to weak mentally, like me, to fall into the temptation to surrender to feminazismo.
But as you know, everything is orchestrated to be so. Even the reality is masked to apparent or it is not. From these statistics that speak of women earn up to 23% less for making the same job (or similar gossip club or smaller: the same), or those that emphasize the feminization of poverty, even in developed countries (and let alone in third world countries); nor those others gossip club that demonstrate the presence of captive women in executive positions in companies. And above all, it is said that the use of language is sexist. All lies: the victims are actually executioners.
Also agree with you when you emphasize that they are to collect the existing uses in society and that by not reflect this non-sexist language, the guides that censor should serve as a fuel in innumerable waterfalls that should hold in the squares gossip club of major cities throughout geography homeland. gossip club It is always true: as use yeans, cederróm, transfer, whiskey, completely gossip club natural in people who join letters gossip club in Spanish. Like oral use of the ending -ed participles of verbs of the first conjugation.
Go paragraphs above as discharge of my behavior unforgivable. However, if you allow me and if it does not serve to increase my criminal conviction (or strength), there are some nuances that no firm opposition, I would like them, dispensing. Forgive me, once again, by daring.
The language is not inmutábel. gossip club The languages are alive, adapt, change. Perhaps require more time than the society, perhaps go a step behind. E pur si muove. And even more, we can change it the language of all, and in fact mudámola. Today there are lawyers, doctors, and even medical judgment. Normal, gossip club with actual use. A daring only a few years ago to today's reality.
Elites also know how to change it, and of course he did throughout history and that even they do today. gossip club Traditionally had cooks, but today the haute cuisine is full of chefs. The men who acted as secretaries of all life became administrative assistants. gossip club The international designers, many men, put one or a word and nobody convulsed possessed by a fallen angel. Let alone subtler changes that today is enough and on which you, twenty-odd gentlemen and three ladies, do not waste time on writing reports.
The use of language is sexist. They were centuries of male domination that comes only from the Latin language which derives defending. The company gossip club continues to be sexist, unless there are 30, 40, 50, a fifth century or, more remains to be macho. As a society we have two options: sentármonos to enjoy the show or, conversely, to be active agents against it. For you maybe the show is gorentoso. For me, reprobábel. And it is lawful, gossip club as a person, and to act as a member of society, try to change it, change it, improve it definitely. I will continue to employ gossip club people instead of men, I will continue to use doublet and will continue to use generic, will follow feminize professions whenever possible, and I think people gossip club will understand gossip club me. It is my small contribution to what some call this equality.
PS: regarding feminazis, is that you have enough intelligence. It is a reductio ad Hitlerum well orchestrated and gelled in society. A neologism that demonstrates that when we want to, we do language, modify and change. Even up the meanings and words more horrific.
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