Sunday, August 10, 2014

Genderama ist das Blog des linken Flügels der antisexistischen Männerbewegung (Maskulismus). Es wird

Genderama ist das Blog des linken Flügels der antisexistischen Männerbewegung (Maskulismus). Es wird von Arne Hoffmann betrieben. Arne Hoffmann ist Mitglied von AGENS und MANNdat. "Auf die Revolutionäre von heute werden keine Scharfschützen mehr angesetzt, Attentate zielen heute auf den Ruf eines Gegners." (Mathangi "Maya" Arulpragasam)
Today's feminism teaches women to see themselves as victims and men as perverts, bullies and misogynists, says Natasha Devon Eine Plattform für ihre These erhält Devon in der britischen Tageszeitung "Telegraph". gretchen mol vanity fair Dass sie die feministische Logik wunderbar intus hat, beweist Devon, gretchen mol vanity fair indem sie sich in einem Satz ungerührt widerspricht, ohne es zu merken: I'd consider myself a feminist and I'm all for structural changes which ensure equal treatment of the sexes (...) laws to prevent female genital mutilation, for example Aber auch Devon findet den Männerhass der heutigen Feministinnen zunehmend unerträglich: For, at their crux is the notion that men are either genetically or socially conditioned to be evil. This explains why relatively harmless acts - an admiring glance, a whistle, a propensity for lads mags - are imbued with such weighty significance, often lazily labelled as "rapey". If a man looks at me, I infer he's doing it for the exact same reason a woman would - because he finds me interesting to look at. If a man whistles at me, I take it as the compliment I believe it was intended to be. (...) I've become increasingly bemused by the "Twitter activists" gretchen mol vanity fair whose "feminist" world view, however much they try to disguise it, necessitates a dim view of mankind. Some, for example, have taken to posting pictures of men looking at Page 3 on the train, gretchen mol vanity fair with captions branding these individuals "creepy", "vile" and "disgusting" without any sort of meaningful explanation. These women have made a broad assumption about what their male subjects are thinking - based on we know not what - and despise the product of their own projections. Similarly, I'm horrified with the regularity and ease with which the word "misogynist" is flung about online. Recently, I wrote an article for a feminist publication on the importance of prioritisation and pragmatism in social progression and suggesting these were often sadly absent from feminist campaigning. During the subsequent inevitable Twitter storm (during which "feminists" threatened to "rip me apart", called me a "piece of s---" and a "brainless bimbo" in an incredibly sisterly fashion) a male tweeter calmly pointed out several historical instances where negotiation had resulted in progression. As a result, he was publicly called a "pendantic gretchen mol vanity fair misogynist" by the mob. A pedant he might have been, but it's worth noting the official definition of misogynist as "someone who hates women" rather than "anyone who dares question the popular feminist status quo". In the same article, I dared to suggest that we should take into account men's feelings and viewpoints on key feminist issues. gretchen mol vanity fair "Men have had their voices heard for FAR TOO LONG! IT'S OUR TURN!" came the online battle cry, as though even garnering some male opinions would be a threat to womankind's empowerment, so toxic and self-serving they would inevitably be. The Everyday Sexism movement is a fantastic idea - an opportunity for an open debate on the ways in which genders mindlessly form prejudices against each other. So why have its followers gretchen mol vanity fair largely excluded men from the conversation? "You can't be sexist towards men!" was a university student's response to this question at another gretchen mol vanity fair debate I attended (she was studying feminism, by the way). Which is a bit like saying black people gretchen mol vanity fair can't be racist. Hier findet man den vollständigen Artikel.
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