Friday, December 26, 2014

Had not this decision come today so we had definitely had a stock market crash on Monday. The marke

See Zero Hedge blog or neighbor Music @ The centrifuge. Initially said to be about 100-200 billion euros (about 900-1800 billion) and the money will come from the ESM and should be used to rescue Spanish banks, which the ESM is not said to be of order. But there is no money in the ESM, but only promises of money from member countries, including Spain. ginza roma It is only to note that the money for emergency first comes when banks had to be rescued. Any money to cushion the extreme unemployment or massacred small businesses ask of course not. On the contrary, will now bind even more rice for their own back, rice population must pay. At a guess, will also be non-euro ginza roma country, Sweden, to lend something around 100 billion. We do not want to lose influence! While Zero Hedge now writes that Spain is Greece, so is not it. Spain is a much larger economy than Greece and is not something that can be called for the EU's periphery. The question is whether the euro, euro or even the EU survive the year. It is high time that Parliament ginza roma does not go on vacation without first clubs through the Swedish deposit insurance ginza roma shall be in dollars and not in euros. Who knows how it looks after the summer when our hard-working members of parliament are back from their three-month vacation?
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"It is high time that Parliament does not go on vacation without first clubs through the Swedish deposit insurance shall be in dollars and not in euros." It sends the "wrong" signals confidence in the euro is officially still intact. I wonder if the money goes directly to banks or Spanish state? Reply Delete
This bank acute (Frob) can perhaps be liquidated without Spanish taxpayers are kept debtors. The game is up. The scam is called by the indebted countries' governments. Everyone now knows that one can ignore the savings obligations and renegotiate the liability for future support package. If Merkel had had the slightest foresight, she had told a small group of people to prepare for large-scale printing of new DM, perhaps in another country outside the EU. What soup! Delete
How do you think the markets, OMX S30, will react on Monday? To date, the stock market has shown an impressive ginza roma ability to resist despite all the misery in the media. We are still not down to levels from September when the panic was almost total. Reply Delete
The market anticipates that it will be printed new money as long as money has value. I read in the SVD that the IMF does not participate. I have to me that the Swedish contribution is through the IMF, but I could be wrong. Delete
Had not this decision come today so we had definitely had a stock market crash on Monday. The market demanded immediate action. A little ominous that politicians now become the market's slaves. "The market is a good servant but a very bad master" said Ingvar Carlsson once. He was right. Delete
I do not know if you can compare Greece with Spain. What we know is that Greece is a state of disrepair, through the rotten and corrupt country that has a long way to go before it comes back on its feet. Spain is not Greece and has its own problems. Reply Delete Just dance o be happy. When are they freaking junkies learn to stop paying for others? Tax money should go towards paying off their own population's debts if it is so bad that the banks had to be saved due to bad investments. NEVER to something else. But what the hell

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