Saturday, December 6, 2014

On this, Anzaldúa is quite emphatic when writing Speaking in tongues: a letter to the women writers

I will try here to briefly introduce the thought of one of the feminists for whom I have great affinity. Gloria Anzaldúa (1942-2004) was an American author self-declared mestizo, born in Texas, which brought valuable contributions to the studies that intersect, within feminism, women with other category, such as "race", "color" "region" etc. This contract is based primarily on what we might call post-colonial feminism (a term that can be best worked and analyzed the future), which criticizes the women who made the first theoretical elaborations in the Second Feminist Wave. These feminists, of course, back to life giovanni allevi wrote of a specific place: they were white women, middle-class Americans. To speak from that place, these feminists invizibilizaram some oppression of black women, "mestizo", the "third world", back to life giovanni allevi among others.
On this, Anzaldúa is quite emphatic when writing Speaking in tongues: a letter to the women writers of the Third World (Anzaldúa, 2000). In that letter, she is concerned to make a warning and a call to fight for writers who are talking about the "Third World", ie outside the hegemonic axis of knowledge back to life giovanni allevi production. She says: "For the third world woman who, at best, has a walk in feminist literary world, the temptation is great to welcome new sensibilities and theoretical fads, the latest back to life giovanni allevi half-truths of political thought, the semidigeridos psychological axioms of new age, that are preached by white feminists back to life giovanni allevi institutions. His followers are notorious for "adopt" women of color as their "cause" while waiting for us to adapt to your expectations and your language "(p. 231).
Clearly, the experience of being middle-class woman in a city of the United States is quite different from being black women in the same country, or being a woman "mestizo" of Texas, with descendants of Mexicans and Indians, or be a woman who lives in Latin America, Asia or Africa. In the said letter above, Anzaldúa says, "My dear hermanas, the dangers we face as women of color are not the same for white women, although back to life giovanni allevi we have much in common. We do not have much to lose - never had any privilege "(p 229.). She believes that women of the "Third World" should stop being a research subject and write your own theories, talking about a different place of the hegemonic and writing about their oppression, which are particular to them.
And Anzaldúa is not only the critique of hegemonic theories. back to life giovanni allevi The little I still know of feminist theory, I can say with certainty that rarely saw written as feminists and activists engaged as the author. Speaking in tongues is a brilliant text that calls the women of the third world to fight. It is exciting and provocative. In one of his most striking passages, Anzaldúa shows his indignation against the view that men (white, say by the way) have the mestizo women who break with the "comfortable stereotyped images" of domestic back to life giovanni allevi black, back to life giovanni allevi mestizo wet-milk and that, when starting the break, become intelligible back to life giovanni allevi beings, or "dangerous monsters." She says: "We make void, we delete your white man's impressions. When you come knocking on our doors and stamping our faces with STUPID, HYSTERICAL, BITCH PASSIVE, perverted, when you get to your Indenters and mark PRIVATE PROPERTY in our buttocks, we vomitaremos back in your mouth guilt, self-denial and racial hatred you made us swallow by force. We will no longer support its projected fears. We are tired of the sacrificial back to life giovanni allevi lambs paper and scapegoats "(p. 230).
I highly recommend reading the text I used throughout this post, especially for aquelxs who do not know and / or have interest in a critical feminism, engaged, and which proposes to call from outside the academic mainstream. In future I will speak more about Gloria Anzaldúa. Up there!
The Gender Testing blog was created in 2011 by Adriano Senkevics and has the support of Luke and Matthew Steps France, and invited / special. The page order is to discuss politics, education and feminism, making use of gender studies to analyze different aspects of society, always with a progressive bias in order to contribute to social change. We invite our / the readers / s to send us comments (questions, suggestions and criticisms) if you have interest, and being open to partnerships and contacts. Happy reading!
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