Saturday, October 26, 2013


The event, designed around a unique concept bringing together elements of a fashion show with the glamor of a backstage parties, offering guests exclusive access behind the scenes cara mengecilkan paha dan betis so coveted the fashion shows.
13 Romanian cara mengecilkan paha dan betis designers valuable as Rhea Costa, Cristina Nikita, Kinga Varga, Norina St, Elena Perseil, Agnes Thomas, Dorin Black Silvia Serban Catinca Roman, Cristian Samfira, Florentina Stoenescu, cara mengecilkan paha dan betis Mihai Albu, Iris Serban, Anca & Silvia Negulescu over 30 models and prestigious partners waiting to open your doors celebrity one evening you will learn from A to Z what, how and when to wear under the careful guidance of specialists in make-up, cara mengecilkan paha dan betis hair, but chosen will be an evening you will enjoy style advice from two of the best rated celebrity stylist of the moment: George Enache and Amir Dobos. Iulia Albu: "Romanian Fashion has a strong voice and international cara mengecilkan paha dan betis examples of Romanian designers that have marked notable recognition in this field is impossible to ignore. Believe in this project cara mengecilkan paha dan betis and are honored to have been chosen to create the concept of this event ".
At the end of the fashion parade, Crane customers can start shopping for the holidays session, with discounts of up to 25%, and two counselors image that will help in selecting the perfect outfit sites. HAPPY SHOPPING!
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