Tuesday, October 15, 2013

I got the idea for this article 40 s glamour while I was looking on facebook and saw all kinds of p

No man thinks consciously follows: "Now my heart must beat" the thing handles Dummenzeu without conscious human involvement, without human control, or, in a less archaic language, the beating heart it occupies part of the psyche that we call consciousness.
Other people are brought into our lives all the specific internal energy, 40 s glamour a part of us that now we can only call "unconscious". There are mysterious 40 s glamour forces which we know very little, but we feel as we lead lives somewhere in the background.
The wind caresses our skin when out in nature, sunlight, rain and all that is natural, all is in intimate connection within us all part of what we have agreed to call the unconscious, or personified we call Dummnzeu.
We know something, but still too little, about the connection between my inner and others, from some of my family and friends, foreign company, but some connections there and some of them are known.
The other part of my unconscious and I are part of the unconscious other and together, not only with people but with all that is, form the ocean unconscious 40 s glamour ... and we are droplets that form it. Human Drama _________________________________
I got the idea for this article 40 s glamour while I was looking on facebook and saw all kinds of people, bloggers, as he desperately praise even own content, 40 s glamour their articles, 40 s glamour their own ideas, their own products. (Including me do this)
It's like you decided to do NIMIA to beat the stomach to digest the blood moving, kidneys and liver to function. and in the latter each cell controlled by the you run, and then including cell organelles are your control. Crazy.
Man, he's either blogger or site worker has one role, namely 40 s glamour the smallness of like a walnut shells, to do their job well and to know the place, and nothing 40 s glamour more than that.
And if you do your job well you mysterious force will awaken in others a different force, perhaps as mysterious, which will make your work to get where he belongs, as the value.
And not have to do anything for it than you see your job, the rest dealing 40 s glamour "God". (That's an example of the genuine article, written by a mother to her place, but that was busy "Someone" (with "A" high) to promote: http://www.caia.ro/2013/ 03/18/scrisoare-pentru-fiica-mea /)
Often can neither confirm nor infrima 40 s glamour something happens, because everything happens beyond the conscious, it happens deep in the depths of the ocean, although the surface is seen just a wave, one that carries on smoothly Nutshell to what was intended to be.
If you are a parent, "something" in your child something that the child is not even consciously feel what is happening inside you will feel including what you refuse to admit you ...
I do not want to brag, but I've never met a single "bad kid" in my life, instead I was an adult "bad" without realizing and without even accept me, but my young children They showed everything about me, by what others 40 s glamour call naughtiness.
But we do not know exactly why we do not rationalize such behavior and would never get to do, but the fact is that "something" in us, something as mysterious as it is obvious, we push to behave so.
We, in our naivety we say that the other is always to blame for what happens to us, but it is obvious that "some" of us fall in connection with "something" in the other and gives rise to what is happening between us.
Man consciously trying to become powerful, great, but sometimes it seems that a mysterious and inexplicable force tends to pull him back at any cost tends to make it back little by what we used to call bad luck.
And as if the man is smaller and more humble (look at Lionel 40 s glamour Messi as drag) the more they know better place and HE sees his job, the life, the people around, luck, Fortuna (if you want a personification), Unconscious God and including his own health (and everything in his life out of control to consciously) seem to conspire together to make this great man. Everything conspires to ascend.
And the pity say any attempt to come back against the forces of life by lying, manipulation, theft, murder, and all that gives you additional control over the life of others and the natural course of things.
But in doing so, your life will be lived in misery in a constant tension 40 s glamour that apparently has nothing rational explanation, as a

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