Thursday, July 10, 2014

This is a precursor to what we call fluid group dynamics. In this organizational model, wwd magazin

Greetings! We come again with more to explain. Right now taking important calls rooms and the strategic deployment of the new money going on. The Dark has delayed your abundance and your freedom long enough! All over the world conduct our Earth allies wwd magazine to the agreements so begrudging obtained from the dark cabal. Because of this brings with it many detailed wwd magazine steps to ensure that these disclosures are presented at the right time at the public arena, so we are also committing ourselves to help them with this process. Your world is a veritable maze of tangled financial arrangements that need to be removed and replaced with new systems and this is carried out without completely stopping the flow of money between nations. Actually, at this moment, the new procedures in place and initiated many are surprised at how quickly the new system will phase out the old one, which practically has existed since the end of World War II. The new system is much more complex and presents a number of new gold-based currencies.
The new financial network wwd magazine is decentralized and regionally based, where each region is dominated by a specific currency. Keep in mind, that this monetary wwd magazine reboot is a stopgap: as the abundance spreads, the need for this type of prosperity to decline. The goal of the new currency system is that for about a year sustain a strong global economic growth, until an increasingly established abundance mastered. Along with this, many advanced technologies that are introduced by the transitional governments wwd magazine and by us. These two factors create a bridge to a world where money itself plays a minor role. It is an axiom with which spiritually-based wwd magazine society, any time, to food, clothing and shelter are available to all as an absolute wwd magazine right and that is why your current standard method of trading quickly to change shape to a free exchange of goods and services. In addition, a "market" which is based on a new way to look at the ownership of ideas and inventions, where ideas and services exchanged with the objective of solving problems, locally wwd magazine and globally. wwd magazine
This is a precursor to what we call fluid group dynamics. In this organizational model, wwd magazine those who are most skilled in a particular field centers for creative brainstorming. These centers develop into organic system of sovereign individuals with the ability to quickly come up with liquid solutions. We use this procedure to work out how each aspect of a project or an assignment must be completed. Take for example this particular mission, the first contact. As you know, this mission demanded constant redirects and departure from normal. One of these is the careful and detailed monitoring and mapping wwd magazine of each of you. This gives us the necessary database, which together with our floating methodology, enabling us to come up with effective ways to overcome this mission countless wwd magazine speed bumps. The basic scenario that we have described to you, is a free and very flexible adaptation of a normal first contact protocol, and this scenario is adjusted almost daily after the unstable circumstances of your transitional society.
A Galactic society is well established in the liquid group dynamics. In your case, the unique wwd magazine needs of your many communities to determine how they will implement this procedure, - this model. Each one of you brings their unique preferences to the equation to magically form a new entity. Our role here is to get you to the point where your new fully conscious selves can come together and design your own star-nation. Long ago you came from the stars to colonize this new world. You soon forgot your origins and today you have no idea of your true identities. This dilemma will be solved wwd magazine as soon as you fully return to full consciousness. Until you can while you are dreaming or in meditation might catch glimpses or get intimations of this other world or way of being. Of course, fades these notions quickly away as soon as you wake up. Your consciousness raising will help you however to imbue these glimpses with a certain meaningfulness and makes them more real to you, at least until your doubts come flowing back again.
This particular phase of the mission gives an evasive answer to that question, each one thinking mostly about: why does the government transitions such an unreasonable wwd magazine amount of time? The dark cabal counting on your frustration and encourages its supporters wwd magazine to persist in refusing such a change. These politicians, wwd magazine like the dark cabal selected to be in power within your state power structures, are extremely concerned about what the Earth allies have in store for them. This concern keeps them in place. Our discussions with the cabal has made them aware of the very short deadline

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